Parameters for the AggregatingMergeTree table engine.
type optional TableEngineType
The type is always
.ClickHouse table engine types.
The MergeTree table engine.
The ReplacingMergeTree table engine.
The SummingMergeTree table engine.
The AggregatingMergeTree table engine.
dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to which this Metric belongs.
measure required DimensionInput
The column to be averaged.
backfill optional Boolean
Whether historical data should be backfilled or not
The ClickHouse Data Source connection settings.
dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to which this Metric belongs.
dimension required DimensionInput
The column to count distinct values from.
dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to which this Metric belongs.
The fields for querying a Metric in counter format.
A Metric's counter query returns a single value over a given time range.
metric optional MetricInput
The Metric to query. You can query a pre-configured Metric by ID or name, or you can query an ad hoc Metric that you define inline. optional ID
The ID of a pre-configured Metric. optional String
The name of a pre-configured Metric.
metric.custom optional CustomMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Custom Metric.
metric.count optional CountMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Count Metric.
metric.sum optional SumMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Sum Metric.
metric.average optional AverageMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Average Metric.
metric.min optional MinMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Min Metric.
metric.max optional MaxMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Max Metric.
metric.countDistinct optional CountDistinctMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Count Distinct Metric.
timeRange optional TimeRangeInput
The time range for calculating the counter.
The fields required to specify the time range for a time series, counter, or leaderboard Metric query.
If no relative or absolute time ranges are provided, Propel defaults to an absolute time range beginning with the earliest record in the Metric's Data Pool and ending with the latest record.
If both relative and absolute time ranges are provided, the relative time range will take precedence.
If a
relative time period is selected, ann
≥ 1 must be provided. If non
is provided orn
error will be returned.timeRange.timestamp optional String
The timestamp field to use when querying. Defaults to the timestamp configured on the Data Pool or Metric, if any. Set this to filter on an alternative timestamp field.
timeRange.relative optional RelativeTimeRange
The relative time period.
The Relative time ranges are based on the current date and time.
- The current unit of time. For example, if today is June 8, 2022, andTHIS_MONTH
is selected, then data for June 2022 would be returned.PREVIOUS
- The previous unit of time. For example, if today is June 8, 2022, andPREVIOUS_MONTH
is selected, then data for May 2022 would be returned. It excludes the current unit of time.NEXT
- The next unit of time. For example, if today is June 8, 2022, andNEXT_MONTH
is selected, then data for July 2022 would be returned. It excludes the current unit of time.LAST_N
- The lastn
units of time, including the current one. For example, if today is June 8, 2022 andLAST_N_YEARS
= 3 is selected, then data for 2020, 2021, and 2022 will be returned. It will include the current time period.THIS_HOUR
Starts at the zeroth minute of the current hour and continues for 60 minutes.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM of the current day and continues for 24 hours.
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM of the current week and continues for seven days.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the current month and continues for the duration of the month.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the current calendar quarter and continues for the duration of the quarter.
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM of the current year and continues for the duration of the year.
Starts at the zeroth minute of the previous hour and continues for 60 minutes.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the day before the today and continues for 24 hours.
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM, a week before the current week, and continues for seven days.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the month before the current month and continues for the duration of the month.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the calendar quarter before the current quarter and continues for the duration of the quarter.
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM, the year before the current year, and continues for the duration of the year.
Starts at the zeroth minute of the next hour and continues for 60 minutes.
" Starts at 12:00:00 AM, the day after the current day, and continues for 24 hours.
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM, the week after the current week, and continues for the duration of the week.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the next month and continues for the duration of the month.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the next calendar quarter and continues for the duration of the quarter.
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM of the next year and continues for the duration of the year.
Starts at the zeroth second
- 1 minute(s) before the current minute and continues through the current minute. It includes this minute.LAST_N_HOURS
Starts at the zeroth minute of the
- 1 hour(s) before the current hour, and continues through the current hour. It includes this hour.LAST_N_DAYS
Starts at 12:00:00 AM,
- 1 day(s) before the current day, and continues through the current day. It includes today.LAST_N_WEEKS
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM,
- 1 week(s) before the current week, and continues through the current week. It includes this week.LAST_N_MONTHS
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the month,
- 1 month(s) before the current month, and continues through the current month. It includes this month.LAST_N_QUARTERS
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the calendar quarter
- 1 quarter(s) before the current quarter and continues through the current quarter. It includes this quarter.LAST_N_YEARS
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM of the year
- 1 year(s) before the current year and continues through the current year. It includes this year.
timeRange.n optional Int
The number of time units for the
relative periods.timeRange.start optional DateTime
The optional start timestamp (inclusive). Defaults to the timestamp of the earliest record in the Data Pool.
timeRange.stop optional DateTime
The optional end timestamp (exclusive). Defaults to the timestamp of the latest record in the Data Pool.
timeZone optional String
The time zone to use. Dates and times are always returned in UTC, but setting the time zone influences relative time ranges and granularities.
You can set this to "America/Los_Angeles", "Europe/Berlin", or any other value in the IANA time zone database. Defaults to "UTC".
filterSql optional String
The Query Filters to apply before retrieving the counter data, in the form of SQL. If no Query Filters are provided, all data is included.
The fields for creating an Add Column Job.
dataPool required ID
The Data Pool to which the column will be added.
columnName required String
Name of the new column.
columnType required ColumnType
Type of the new column.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
jsonProperty optional String
JSON property to which the new column corresponds.
The fields for creating a new Average Metric.
dataPool required ID
The Data Pool that powers this Metric.
uniqueName optional String
The Metric's unique name.
description optional String
The Metric's description.
filterSql optional String
The Metric's Filters, in the form of SQL. Metric Filters allow defining a Metric with a subset of records from the given Data Pool. If no Filters are present, all records will be included.
dimensions optional array of DimensionInput
The Metric's Dimensions. Dimensions define the columns that will be available to filter the Metric at query time.
The fields for creating or modifying a Dimension.
dimensions.columnName required String
The name of the column to create the Dimension from.
measure required DimensionInput
The column to be averaged.
The fields for creating a new Booster.
Boosters can be understood as an aggregating index. The index is formed from left to right as follows:
- The Data Pool's Tenant ID column (if present)
- Metric Filter columns (if present)
- Query Filter Dimensions (see
) - The Data Pool's timestamp column
metric required ID
The Booster's Metric.
dimensions required array of DimensionInput
Dimensions to include in the Booster.
Follow these guidelines when specifying Dimensions:
- Specify Dimensions in descending order of importance for filtering and in ascending order of cardinality.
- Take into consideration hierarchical relationships as well (for example, a "country" Dimension should appear before a "state" Dimension).
The fields for creating or modifying a Dimension.
dimensions.columnName required String
The name of the column to create the Dimension from.
connectionSettings required ClickHouseConnectionSettingsInput
The ClickHouse Data Source's connection settings
The ClickHouse Data Source connection settings.
connectionSettings.database required String
Which database to connect to
connectionSettings.password required String
The password for the provided user
connectionSettings.url required String
The URL where the ClickHouse host is listening to HTTP[S] connections
connectionSettings.user required String
The user for authenticating against the ClickHouse host
description optional String
The ClickHouse Data Source's description.
uniqueName optional String
The ClickHouse Data Source's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as unique name.
The fields for creating a new Count Distinct Metric.
dataPool required ID
The Data Pool that powers this Metric.
uniqueName optional String
The Metric's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as unique name.
description optional String
The Metric's description.
filterSql optional String
The Metric's Filters, in the form of SQL. Metric Filters allow defining a Metric with a subset of records from the given Data Pool. If no Filters are present, all records will be included.
dimensions optional array of DimensionInput
The Metric's Dimensions. Dimensions define the columns that will be available to filter the Metric at query time.
The fields for creating or modifying a Dimension.
dimensions.columnName required String
The name of the column to create the Dimension from.
dimension required DimensionInput
The Dimension over which the count distinct operation is going to be performed.
The fields for creating a new Count Metric.
dataPool required ID
The Data Pool that powers this Metric.
uniqueName optional String
The Metric's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as unique name.
description optional String
The Metric's description.
filterSql optional String
The Metric's Filters, in the form of SQL. Metric Filters allow defining a Metric with a subset of records from the given Data Pool. If no Filters are present, all records will be included.
dimensions optional array of DimensionInput
The Metric's Dimensions. Dimensions define the columns that will be available to filter the Metric at query time.
The fields for creating or modifying a Dimension.
dimensions.columnName required String
The name of the column to create the Dimension from.
The fields for creating a new Custom Metric.
dataPool required ID
The Data Pool that powers this Metric.
uniqueName optional String
The Metric's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as unique name.
description optional String
The Metric's description.
filterSql optional String
The Metric's Filters, in the form of SQL. Metric Filters allow defining a Metric with a subset of records from the given Data Pool. If no Filters are present, all records will be included.
dimensions optional array of DimensionInput
The Metric's Dimensions. Dimensions define the columns that will be available to filter the Metric at query time.
The fields for creating or modifying a Dimension.
dimensions.columnName required String
The name of the column to create the Dimension from.
expression required String
The expression that defines the aggregation function for this Metric.
uniqueName optional String
The Data Pool Access Policy's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as unique name.
description optional String
The Data Pool Access Policy's description.
dataPool required ID
The Data Pool to which the Access Policy belongs.
columns required array of String
Columns that the Access Policy makes available for querying.
If set to
, all columns will be available for querying.filterSql optional String
Row-level filters that the Access Policy applies before executing queries, in the form of SQL.
The fields for creating a Data Pool.
dataSource optional ID
The Data Source that will be used to create the Data Pool.
table optional String
The table that the Data Pool will sync from.
timestamp optional TimestampInput
The table's primary timestamp column.
Propel uses the primary timestamp to order and partition your data in Data Pools. It's part of what makes Propel fast for larger data sets. It will also serve as the time dimension for your Metrics.
If you do not provide a primary timestamp column, you will need to supply an alternate timestamp when querying your Data Pool or its Metrics using the TimeRangeInput.
uniqueName optional String
The Data Pool's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as the unique name.
description optional String
The Data Pool's description.
columns optional array of DataPoolColumnInput
The list of columns.
columns.columnName required String
The name of the Data Source column that this Data Pool column derives from.
columns.type required ColumnType
The Data Pool column's type. This may differ from the corresponding Data Source column's type.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
columns.clickHouseType optional String
The ClickHouse type to use when
.columns.isNullable required Boolean
Whether the column is nullable, meaning whether it accepts a null value.
syncing optional DataPoolSyncingInput
The Data Pool's syncing settings.
The fields for modifying the Data Pool syncing.
syncing.interval required DataPoolSyncInterval
The available Data Pool sync intervals. Specify unit of time between attempts to sync data from your data warehouse.
Note that the syncing interval is approximate. For example, setting the syncing interval to
does not mean that syncing will occur exactly on the hour. Instead, the syncing interval starts relative to when the Data Pool goesLIVE
, and Propel will attempt to sync approximately every hour. Additionally, if you pause or resume syncing, this too can shift the syncing interval around.EVERY_1_MINUTE
accessControlEnabled optional Boolean
Enables or disables access control for the Data Pool.
If the Data Pool has access control enabled, Applications must be assigned Data Pool Access Policies in order to query the Data Pool and its Metrics.
tableSettings optional TableSettingsInput
Override the Data Pool's table settings. These describe how the Data Pool's table is created in ClickHouse, and a default will be chosen based on the Data Pool's
values, if any. You can override these defaults in order to specify a custom table engine, custom ORDER BY, etc.A Data Pool's table settings.
These describe how the Data Pool's table is created in ClickHouse.
tableSettings.engine optional TableEngineInput
The ClickHouse table engine for the Data Pool's table.
This field is optional. A default will be chosen based on the Data Pool's
values, if specified.tableSettings.partitionBy optional array of String
The PARTITION BY clause for the Data Pool's table.
This field is optional. A default will be chosen based on the Data Pool's
values, if specified.tableSettings.primaryKey optional array of String
The PRIMARY KEY clause for the Data Pool's table.
This field is optional. A default will be chosen based on the Data Pool's
values, if specified.tableSettings.orderBy optional array of String
The ORDER BY clause for the Data Pool's table.
This field is optional. A default will be chosen based on the Data Pool's
values, if specified.
The fields for creating a Deletion Job.
connectionSettings required HttpConnectionSettingsInput
The HTTP Data Source's connection settings
The HTTP Data Source connection settings.
connectionSettings.basicAuth optional HttpBasicAuthInput
The HTTP Basic authentication settings for uploading new data.
If this parameter is not provided, anyone with the URL to your tables will be able to upload data. While it's OK to test without HTTP Basic authentication, we recommend enabling it.
connectionSettings.tables required array of HttpDataSourceTableInput
The HTTP Data Source's tables.
description optional String
The HTTP Data Source's description.
uniqueName optional String
The HTTP Data Source's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as unique name.
connectionSettings required KafkaConnectionSettingsInput
The Kafka Data Source's connection settings
The Kafka Data Source connection settings.
connectionSettings.auth required String
The type of authentication to use. Can be SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512, PLAIN or NONE
connectionSettings.bootstrapServers required array of String
The bootstrap server(s) to connect to
connectionSettings.password required String
The password for the provided user
connectionSettings.tls optional Boolean
Whether the the connection to the Kafka servers is encrypted or not
connectionSettings.user required String
The user for authenticating against the Kafka servers
description optional String
The Kafka Data Source's description.
uniqueName optional String
The Kafka Data Source's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as unique name.
The fields for targeting an existing Data Pool or a new Data Pool.
existingDataPool optional DataPoolInput
If specified, the Materialized View will target an existing Data Pool. Ensure the Data Pool's schema is compatible with your Materialized View's SQL statement. optional ID
The ID of the Data Pool. optional String
The name of the Data Pool.
newDataPool optional CreateMaterializedViewDestinationNewDataPoolInput
If specified, the Materialized View will create and target a new Data Pool. You can further customize the new Data Pool's engine settings.
The fields for customizing a new Data Pool that a Materialized View will target.
newDataPool.uniqueName optional String
The Data Pool's unique name.
newDataPool.description optional String
The Data Pool's description.
newDataPool.timestamp optional TimestampInput
Optionally specify the Data Pool's primary timestamp. This will influence the Data Pool's engine settings.
newDataPool.accessControlEnabled optional Boolean
Enables or disables access control for the Data Pool.
If the Data Pool has access control enabled, Applications must be assigned Data Pool Access Policies in order to query the Data Pool and its Metrics.
newDataPool.tableSettings optional TableSettingsInput
Override the Data Pool's table settings. These describe how the Data Pool's table is created in ClickHouse, and a default will be chosen based on the Data Pool's
values, if any. You can override these defaults in order to specify a custom table engine, custom ORDER BY, etc.
The fields for customizing a new Data Pool that a Materialized View will target.
uniqueName optional String
The Data Pool's unique name.
description optional String
The Data Pool's description.
timestamp optional TimestampInput
Optionally specify the Data Pool's primary timestamp. This will influence the Data Pool's engine settings.
accessControlEnabled optional Boolean
Enables or disables access control for the Data Pool.
If the Data Pool has access control enabled, Applications must be assigned Data Pool Access Policies in order to query the Data Pool and its Metrics.
tableSettings optional TableSettingsInput
Override the Data Pool's table settings. These describe how the Data Pool's table is created in ClickHouse, and a default will be chosen based on the Data Pool's
values, if any. You can override these defaults in order to specify a custom table engine, custom ORDER BY, etc.A Data Pool's table settings.
These describe how the Data Pool's table is created in ClickHouse.
tableSettings.engine optional TableEngineInput
The ClickHouse table engine for the Data Pool's table.
This field is optional. A default will be chosen based on the Data Pool's
values, if specified.tableSettings.partitionBy optional array of String
The PARTITION BY clause for the Data Pool's table.
This field is optional. A default will be chosen based on the Data Pool's
values, if specified.tableSettings.primaryKey optional array of String
The PRIMARY KEY clause for the Data Pool's table.
This field is optional. A default will be chosen based on the Data Pool's
values, if specified.tableSettings.orderBy optional array of String
The ORDER BY clause for the Data Pool's table.
This field is optional. A default will be chosen based on the Data Pool's
values, if specified.
The fields for creating a Materialized View.
uniqueName optional String
The Materialized View's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as the unique name.
description optional String
The Materialized View's description.
sql required String
The SQL that the Materialized View will execute.
destination required CreateMaterializedViewDestinationInput
By default, a destination Data Pool with default settings will be created for the Materialized View; however, you can customize the destination Data Pool (or point to an existing Data Pool), by setting this field. Use this to target an existing Data Pool or the engine settings of a new Data Pool.
The fields for targeting an existing Data Pool or a new Data Pool.
destination.existingDataPool optional DataPoolInput
If specified, the Materialized View will target an existing Data Pool. Ensure the Data Pool's schema is compatible with your Materialized View's SQL statement.
destination.newDataPool optional CreateMaterializedViewDestinationNewDataPoolInput
If specified, the Materialized View will create and target a new Data Pool. You can further customize the new Data Pool's engine settings.
backfillOptions optional BackfillOptionsInput
By default, a Materialized View only applies to records added after its creation. This option allows to backfill all the data that was present before the Materialized View creation.
backfillOptions.backfill optional Boolean
Whether historical data should be backfilled or not
The fields for creating a new Maximum (Max) Metric.
dataPool required ID
The Data Pool that powers this Metric.
uniqueName optional String
The Metric's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as unique name.
description optional String
The Metric's description.
filterSql optional String
The Metric's Filters, in the form of SQL. Metric Filters allow defining a Metric with a subset of records from the given Data Pool. If no Filters are present, all records will be included.
dimensions optional array of DimensionInput
The Metric's Dimensions. Dimensions define the columns that will be available to filter the Metric at query time.
The fields for creating or modifying a Dimension.
dimensions.columnName required String
The name of the column to create the Dimension from.
measure required DimensionInput
The column to calculate the maximum from.
The fields for creating a new Minimum (Min) Metric.
dataPool required ID
The Data Pool that powers this Metric.
uniqueName optional String
The Metric's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as unique name.
description optional String
The Metric's description.
filterSql optional String
The Metric's Filters, in the form of SQL. Metric Filters allow defining a Metric with a subset of records from the given Data Pool. If no Filters are present, all records will be included.
dimensions optional array of DimensionInput
The Metric's Dimensions. Dimensions define the columns that will be available to filter the Metric at query time.
The fields for creating or modifying a Dimension.
dimensions.columnName required String
The name of the column to create the Dimension from.
measure required DimensionInput
The fields for creating a Policy.
metric required ID
The Metric to which the Policy will be applied.
type required PolicyType
The type of Policy to create.
The types of Policies that can be applied to a Metric.
Grants access to all Metric data.
Grants access to a specified tenant's Metric data.
application required ID
The Application that will be granted access to the Metric.
connectionSettings required S3ConnectionSettingsInput
The S3 Data Source's connection settings
The connection settings for an S3 Data Source. These include the S3 bucket name, the AWS access key ID, and the tables (along with their paths). We do not allow fetching the AWS secret access key after it has been set.
connectionSettings.awsAccessKeyId required String
The AWS access key ID for an IAM user with sufficient access to the S3 bucket.
connectionSettings.awsSecretAccessKey required String
The AWS secret access key for an IAM user with sufficient access to the S3 bucket.
connectionSettings.bucket required String
The name of the S3 bucket.
connectionSettings.tables required array of S3DataSourceTableInput
The S3 Data Source's tables.
description optional String
The S3 Data Source's description.
uniqueName optional String
The S3 Data Source's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as unique name.
The fields for creating a new Sum Metric.
dataPool required ID
The Data Pool that powers this Metric.
uniqueName optional String
The Metric's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as unique name.
description optional String
The Metric's description.
filterSql optional String
The Metric's Filters, in the form of SQL. Metric Filters allow defining a Metric with a subset of records from the given Data Pool. If no Filters are present, all records will be included.
dimensions optional array of DimensionInput
The Metric's Dimensions. Dimensions define the columns that will be available to filter the Metric at query time.
The fields for creating or modifying a Dimension.
dimensions.columnName required String
The name of the column to create the Dimension from.
measure required DimensionInput
The column to be summed.
The fields for creating an Update Data Pool Records Job.
dataPool required ID
The Data Pool that is going to get its records updated.
filterSql optional String
The filters that will be used for updating records, in the form of SQL. Records matching these filters will be updated.
set required array of UpdateDataPoolRecordsJobSetColumnInput
Describes how the job will update the records.
The fields for creating an Update Data Pool Records Job.
{ "column": "status", "expression": "'completed'" } { "column": "counter", "expression": "counter + 1" } { "column": "full_name", "expression": "concat(first_name, ' ', last_name)" }
connectionSettings required WebhookConnectionSettingsInput
The Webhook Data Source's connection settings
The Webhook Data Source connection settings.
connectionSettings.accessControlEnabled optional Boolean
Enables or disables access control for the Data Pool. If the Data Pool has access control enabled, Applications must be assigned Data Pool Access Policies in order to query the Data Pool and its Metrics.
connectionSettings.basicAuth optional HttpBasicAuthInput
The HTTP basic authentication settings for the Webhook Data Source URL. If this parameter is not provided, anyone with the webhook URL will be able to send events. While it's OK to test without HTTP Basic authentication, we recommend enabling it.
connectionSettings.columns optional array of WebhookDataSourceColumnInput
The additional columns for the Webhook Data Source table.
connectionSettings.tableSettings optional TableSettingsInput
Override the Data Pool's table settings. These describe how the Data Pool's table is created in ClickHouse, and a default will be chosen based on the Data Pool's
values, if any. You can override these defaults in order to specify a custom table engine, custom ORDER BY, etc.connectionSettings.tenant optional String
The tenant ID column, if any.
connectionSettings.timestamp optional String
The primary timestamp column, if any.
connectionSettings.uniqueId optional String
The unique ID column, if any. Propel uses the primary timestamp and a unique ID to compose a primary key for determining whether records should be inserted, deleted, or updated.
description optional String
The Webhook Data Source's description.
uniqueName optional String
The Webhook Data Source's unique name. If not specified, Propel will set the ID as unique name.
The fields for querying Data Grid records.
dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to be queried.
timeRange optional TimeRangeInput
The time range for retrieving the records.
The fields required to specify the time range for a time series, counter, or leaderboard Metric query.
If no relative or absolute time ranges are provided, Propel defaults to an absolute time range beginning with the earliest record in the Metric's Data Pool and ending with the latest record.
If both relative and absolute time ranges are provided, the relative time range will take precedence.
If a
relative time period is selected, ann
≥ 1 must be provided. If non
is provided orn
error will be returned.timeRange.timestamp optional String
The timestamp field to use when querying. Defaults to the timestamp configured on the Data Pool or Metric, if any. Set this to filter on an alternative timestamp field.
timeRange.relative optional RelativeTimeRange
The relative time period.
The Relative time ranges are based on the current date and time.
- The current unit of time. For example, if today is June 8, 2022, andTHIS_MONTH
is selected, then data for June 2022 would be returned.PREVIOUS
- The previous unit of time. For example, if today is June 8, 2022, andPREVIOUS_MONTH
is selected, then data for May 2022 would be returned. It excludes the current unit of time.NEXT
- The next unit of time. For example, if today is June 8, 2022, andNEXT_MONTH
is selected, then data for July 2022 would be returned. It excludes the current unit of time.LAST_N
- The lastn
units of time, including the current one. For example, if today is June 8, 2022 andLAST_N_YEARS
= 3 is selected, then data for 2020, 2021, and 2022 will be returned. It will include the current time period.THIS_HOUR
Starts at the zeroth minute of the current hour and continues for 60 minutes.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM of the current day and continues for 24 hours.
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM of the current week and continues for seven days.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the current month and continues for the duration of the month.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the current calendar quarter and continues for the duration of the quarter.
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM of the current year and continues for the duration of the year.
Starts at the zeroth minute of the previous hour and continues for 60 minutes.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the day before the today and continues for 24 hours.
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM, a week before the current week, and continues for seven days.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the month before the current month and continues for the duration of the month.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the calendar quarter before the current quarter and continues for the duration of the quarter.
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM, the year before the current year, and continues for the duration of the year.
Starts at the zeroth minute of the next hour and continues for 60 minutes.
" Starts at 12:00:00 AM, the day after the current day, and continues for 24 hours.
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM, the week after the current week, and continues for the duration of the week.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the next month and continues for the duration of the month.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the next calendar quarter and continues for the duration of the quarter.
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM of the next year and continues for the duration of the year.
Starts at the zeroth second
- 1 minute(s) before the current minute and continues through the current minute. It includes this minute.LAST_N_HOURS
Starts at the zeroth minute of the
- 1 hour(s) before the current hour, and continues through the current hour. It includes this hour.LAST_N_DAYS
Starts at 12:00:00 AM,
- 1 day(s) before the current day, and continues through the current day. It includes today.LAST_N_WEEKS
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM,
- 1 week(s) before the current week, and continues through the current week. It includes this week.LAST_N_MONTHS
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the month,
- 1 month(s) before the current month, and continues through the current month. It includes this month.LAST_N_QUARTERS
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the calendar quarter
- 1 quarter(s) before the current quarter and continues through the current quarter. It includes this quarter.LAST_N_YEARS
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM of the year
- 1 year(s) before the current year and continues through the current year. It includes this year.
timeRange.n optional Int
The number of time units for the
relative periods.timeRange.start optional DateTime
The optional start timestamp (inclusive). Defaults to the timestamp of the earliest record in the Data Pool.
timeRange.stop optional DateTime
The optional end timestamp (exclusive). Defaults to the timestamp of the latest record in the Data Pool.
timeZone optional String
The time zone to use. Dates and times are always returned in UTC, but setting the time zone influences relative time ranges and granularities.
You can set this to "America/Los_Angeles", "Europe/Berlin", or any other value in the IANA time zone database. Defaults to "UTC".
columns required array of String
The columns to retrieve.
orderByColumn optional Int
The index of the column to order the table by. The index is 1-based. If not provided, records will be ordered by their timestamp by default.
sort optional Sort
The sort order of the rows. It can be ascending (
) or descending (DESC
) order. Defaults to descending (DESC
) order when not provided.The available sort orders.
Sort in ascending order.
Sort in descending order.
filterSql optional String
The filters to apply to the records, in the form of SQL. You may only filter on columns included in the
array input.first optional Int
The number of rows to be returned when paging forward. It can be a number between 1 and 1,000.
after optional String
The cursor to use when paging forward.
last optional Int
The number of rows to be returned when paging forward. It can be a number between 1 and 1,000.
before optional String
The cursor to use when paging backward.
columnName required String
The name of the Data Source column that this Data Pool column derives from.
type required ColumnType
The Data Pool column's type. This may differ from the corresponding Data Source column's type.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
clickHouseType optional String
The ClickHouse type to use when
.isNullable required Boolean
Whether the column is nullable, meaning whether it accepts a null value.
The fields for modifying the Data Pool syncing.
interval required DataPoolSyncInterval
The available Data Pool sync intervals. Specify unit of time between attempts to sync data from your data warehouse.
Note that the syncing interval is approximate. For example, setting the syncing interval to
does not mean that syncing will occur exactly on the hour. Instead, the syncing interval starts relative to when the Data Pool goesLIVE
, and Propel will attempt to sync approximately every hour. Additionally, if you pause or resume syncing, this too can shift the syncing interval around.EVERY_1_MINUTE
The fields for creating a Deletion Job.
The fields for creating or modifying a Dimension.
columnName required String
The name of the column to create the Dimension from.
The fields of a filter.
You can construct more complex filters using and
and or
. For example, to construct a filter equivalent to
(value > 0 AND value <= 100) OR status = "confirmed"
you could write
"column": "value",
"operator": "GREATER_THAN",
"value": "0",
"and": [{
"column": "value",
"operator": "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO",
"value": "0"
"or": [{
"column": "status",
"operator": "EQUALS",
"value": "confirmed"
Note that and
takes precedence over or
column required String
The name of the column to filter on.
operator required FilterOperator
The operation to perform when comparing the column and filter values.
The available Filter operators.
Selects values that are equal to the specified value.
Selects values that are not equal to the specified value.
Selects values that are greater than the specified value.
Selects values that are greater or equal to the specified value.
Selects values that are less than the specified value.
Selects values that are less or equal to the specified value.
Selects values that are null. This operator does not accept a value.
Selects values that are not null. This operator does not accept a value.
Selects values that match the specified pattern.
"Selects values that do not match the specified pattern.
value optional String
The value to compare the column to.
and optional array of FilterInput
Additional filters to AND with this one. AND takes precedence over OR.
The fields of a filter.
You can construct more complex filters using
. For example, to construct a filter equivalent to(value > 0 AND value <= 100) OR status = "confirmed"
you could write
{ "column": "value", "operator": "GREATER_THAN", "value": "0", "and": [{ "column": "value", "operator": "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO", "value": "0" }], "or": [{ "column": "status", "operator": "EQUALS", "value": "confirmed" }] }
Note that
takes precedence overor
.and.column required String
The name of the column to filter on.
and.operator required FilterOperator
The operation to perform when comparing the column and filter values.
The available Filter operators.
Selects values that are equal to the specified value.
Selects values that are not equal to the specified value.
Selects values that are greater than the specified value.
Selects values that are greater or equal to the specified value.
Selects values that are less than the specified value.
Selects values that are less or equal to the specified value.
Selects values that are null. This operator does not accept a value.
Selects values that are not null. This operator does not accept a value.
Selects values that match the specified pattern.
"Selects values that do not match the specified pattern.
and.value optional String
The value to compare the column to.
and.and optional array of FilterInput
Additional filters to AND with this one. AND takes precedence over OR.
and.or optional array of FilterInput
Additional filters to OR with this one. AND takes precedence over OR.
or optional array of FilterInput
Additional filters to OR with this one. AND takes precedence over OR.
The fields of a filter.
You can construct more complex filters using
. For example, to construct a filter equivalent to(value > 0 AND value <= 100) OR status = "confirmed"
you could write
{ "column": "value", "operator": "GREATER_THAN", "value": "0", "and": [{ "column": "value", "operator": "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO", "value": "0" }], "or": [{ "column": "status", "operator": "EQUALS", "value": "confirmed" }] }
Note that
takes precedence overor
.or.column required String
The name of the column to filter on.
or.operator required FilterOperator
The operation to perform when comparing the column and filter values.
The available Filter operators.
Selects values that are equal to the specified value.
Selects values that are not equal to the specified value.
Selects values that are greater than the specified value.
Selects values that are greater or equal to the specified value.
Selects values that are less than the specified value.
Selects values that are less or equal to the specified value.
Selects values that are null. This operator does not accept a value.
Selects values that are not null. This operator does not accept a value.
Selects values that match the specified pattern.
"Selects values that do not match the specified pattern.
or.value optional String
The value to compare the column to.
or.and optional array of FilterInput
Additional filters to AND with this one. AND takes precedence over OR.
or.or optional array of FilterInput
Additional filters to OR with this one. AND takes precedence over OR.
The fields for specifying an HTTP Data Source's Basic authentication settings.
The HTTP Data Source connection settings.
basicAuth optional HttpBasicAuthInput
The HTTP Basic authentication settings for uploading new data.
If this parameter is not provided, anyone with the URL to your tables will be able to upload data. While it's OK to test without HTTP Basic authentication, we recommend enabling it.
The fields for specifying an HTTP Data Source's Basic authentication settings.
basicAuth.username required String
The username for HTTP Basic authentication that must be included in the Authorization header when uploading new data.
basicAuth.password required String
The password for HTTP Basic authentication that must be included in the Authorization header when uploading new data.
tables required array of HttpDataSourceTableInput
The HTTP Data Source's tables.
The fields for specifying an HTTP Data Source's table. required String
The name of the table
tables.columns required array of HttpDataSourceColumnInput
All the columns present in the table
The fields for specifying a column in an HTTP Data Source's table.
name required String
The column name. It has to be unique within a Table.
type required ColumnType
The column type.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
clickHouseType optional String
The ClickHouse type to use when
.nullable required Boolean
Whether the column's type is nullable or not.
The fields for specifying an HTTP Data Source's table.
name required String
The name of the table
columns required array of HttpDataSourceColumnInput
All the columns present in the table
The fields for specifying a column in an HTTP Data Source's table. required String
The column name. It has to be unique within a Table.
columns.type required ColumnType
The column type.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
columns.clickHouseType optional String
The ClickHouse type to use when
.columns.nullable required Boolean
Whether the column's type is nullable or not.
The Kafka Data Source connection settings.
auth required String
The type of authentication to use. Can be SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512, PLAIN or NONE
bootstrapServers required array of String
The bootstrap server(s) to connect to
password required String
The password for the provided user
tls optional Boolean
Whether the the connection to the Kafka servers is encrypted or not
user required String
The user for authenticating against the Kafka servers
The fields for querying a Metric in leaderboard format.
A Metric's leaderboard query returns an ordered table of Dimension and Metric values over a given time range.
metric optional MetricInput
The Metric to query. You can query a pre-configured Metric by ID or name, or you can query an ad hoc Metric that you define inline. optional ID
The ID of a pre-configured Metric. optional String
The name of a pre-configured Metric.
metric.custom optional CustomMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Custom Metric.
metric.count optional CountMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Count Metric.
metric.sum optional SumMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Sum Metric.
metric.average optional AverageMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Average Metric.
metric.min optional MinMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Min Metric.
metric.max optional MaxMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Max Metric.
metric.countDistinct optional CountDistinctMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Count Distinct Metric.
timeRange optional TimeRangeInput
The time range for calculating the leaderboard.
The fields required to specify the time range for a time series, counter, or leaderboard Metric query.
If no relative or absolute time ranges are provided, Propel defaults to an absolute time range beginning with the earliest record in the Metric's Data Pool and ending with the latest record.
If both relative and absolute time ranges are provided, the relative time range will take precedence.
If a
relative time period is selected, ann
≥ 1 must be provided. If non
is provided orn
error will be returned.timeRange.timestamp optional String
The timestamp field to use when querying. Defaults to the timestamp configured on the Data Pool or Metric, if any. Set this to filter on an alternative timestamp field.
timeRange.relative optional RelativeTimeRange
The relative time period.
The Relative time ranges are based on the current date and time.
- The current unit of time. For example, if today is June 8, 2022, andTHIS_MONTH
is selected, then data for June 2022 would be returned.PREVIOUS
- The previous unit of time. For example, if today is June 8, 2022, andPREVIOUS_MONTH
is selected, then data for May 2022 would be returned. It excludes the current unit of time.NEXT
- The next unit of time. For example, if today is June 8, 2022, andNEXT_MONTH
is selected, then data for July 2022 would be returned. It excludes the current unit of time.LAST_N
- The lastn
units of time, including the current one. For example, if today is June 8, 2022 andLAST_N_YEARS
= 3 is selected, then data for 2020, 2021, and 2022 will be returned. It will include the current time period.THIS_HOUR
Starts at the zeroth minute of the current hour and continues for 60 minutes.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM of the current day and continues for 24 hours.
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM of the current week and continues for seven days.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the current month and continues for the duration of the month.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the current calendar quarter and continues for the duration of the quarter.
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM of the current year and continues for the duration of the year.
Starts at the zeroth minute of the previous hour and continues for 60 minutes.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the day before the today and continues for 24 hours.
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM, a week before the current week, and continues for seven days.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the month before the current month and continues for the duration of the month.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the calendar quarter before the current quarter and continues for the duration of the quarter.
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM, the year before the current year, and continues for the duration of the year.
Starts at the zeroth minute of the next hour and continues for 60 minutes.
" Starts at 12:00:00 AM, the day after the current day, and continues for 24 hours.
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM, the week after the current week, and continues for the duration of the week.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the next month and continues for the duration of the month.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the next calendar quarter and continues for the duration of the quarter.
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM of the next year and continues for the duration of the year.
Starts at the zeroth second
- 1 minute(s) before the current minute and continues through the current minute. It includes this minute.LAST_N_HOURS
Starts at the zeroth minute of the
- 1 hour(s) before the current hour, and continues through the current hour. It includes this hour.LAST_N_DAYS
Starts at 12:00:00 AM,
- 1 day(s) before the current day, and continues through the current day. It includes today.LAST_N_WEEKS
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM,
- 1 week(s) before the current week, and continues through the current week. It includes this week.LAST_N_MONTHS
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the month,
- 1 month(s) before the current month, and continues through the current month. It includes this month.LAST_N_QUARTERS
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the calendar quarter
- 1 quarter(s) before the current quarter and continues through the current quarter. It includes this quarter.LAST_N_YEARS
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM of the year
- 1 year(s) before the current year and continues through the current year. It includes this year.
timeRange.n optional Int
The number of time units for the
relative periods.timeRange.start optional DateTime
The optional start timestamp (inclusive). Defaults to the timestamp of the earliest record in the Data Pool.
timeRange.stop optional DateTime
The optional end timestamp (exclusive). Defaults to the timestamp of the latest record in the Data Pool.
timeZone optional String
The time zone to use. Dates and times are always returned in UTC, but setting the time zone influences relative time ranges and granularities.
You can set this to "America/Los_Angeles", "Europe/Berlin", or any other value in the IANA time zone database. Defaults to "UTC".
dimensions required array of DimensionInput
One or many Dimensions to group the Metric values by. Typically, Dimensions in a leaderboard are what you want to compare and rank.
The fields for creating or modifying a Dimension.
dimensions.columnName required String
The name of the column to create the Dimension from.
sort optional Sort
The sort order of the rows. It can be ascending (
) or descending (DESC
) order. Defaults to descending (DESC
) order when not provided.The available sort orders.
Sort in ascending order.
Sort in descending order.
rowLimit required Int
The number of rows to be returned. It can be a number between 1 and 1,000.
filterSql optional String
The Query Filters to apply before retrieving the leaderboard data, in the form of SQL. If no Query Filters are provided, all data is included.
dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to which this Metric belongs.
measure required DimensionInput
The column to calculate the maximum from.
Parameters for the MergeTree table engine.
type optional TableEngineType
The type is always
.ClickHouse table engine types.
The MergeTree table engine.
The ReplacingMergeTree table engine.
The SummingMergeTree table engine.
The AggregatingMergeTree table engine.
id optional ID
The ID of a pre-configured Metric.
name optional String
The name of a pre-configured Metric.
custom optional CustomMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Custom Metric.
custom.dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to which this Metric belongs.
custom.expression required String
Custom expression for defining the Metric.
count optional CountMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Count Metric.
count.dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to which this Metric belongs.
sum optional SumMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Sum Metric.
sum.dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to which this Metric belongs.
sum.measure required DimensionInput
The column to be summed.
average optional AverageMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Average Metric.
average.dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to which this Metric belongs.
average.measure required DimensionInput
The column to be averaged.
min optional MinMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Min Metric.
min.dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to which this Metric belongs.
min.measure required DimensionInput
The column to calculate the minimum from.
max optional MaxMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Max Metric.
max.dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to which this Metric belongs.
max.measure required DimensionInput
The column to calculate the maximum from.
countDistinct optional CountDistinctMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Count Distinct Metric.
countDistinct.dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to which this Metric belongs.
countDistinct.dimension required DimensionInput
The column to count distinct values from.
The fields for specifying a dimension to include in a Metric Report.
columnName required String
The column name of the dimension to include in a Metric Report. This must match the name of a Data Pool column.
displayName optional String
The name to display in the
array when displaying the report. This defaults to the column name if unspecified.sort optional Sort
The sort order for the dimension. It can be ascending (
) or descending (DESC
) order. Defaults to ascending (ASC
) order when not provided.The available sort orders.
Sort in ascending order.
Sort in descending order.
The fields for querying a Metric Report.
A Metric Report is a table whose columns include dimensions and Metric values, calculated over a given time range.
timeRange optional TimeRangeInput
The time range for calculating the Metric Report.
The fields required to specify the time range for a time series, counter, or leaderboard Metric query.
If no relative or absolute time ranges are provided, Propel defaults to an absolute time range beginning with the earliest record in the Metric's Data Pool and ending with the latest record.
If both relative and absolute time ranges are provided, the relative time range will take precedence.
If a
relative time period is selected, ann
≥ 1 must be provided. If non
is provided orn
error will be returned.timeRange.timestamp optional String
The timestamp field to use when querying. Defaults to the timestamp configured on the Data Pool or Metric, if any. Set this to filter on an alternative timestamp field.
timeRange.relative optional RelativeTimeRange
The relative time period.
The Relative time ranges are based on the current date and time.
- The current unit of time. For example, if today is June 8, 2022, andTHIS_MONTH
is selected, then data for June 2022 would be returned.PREVIOUS
- The previous unit of time. For example, if today is June 8, 2022, andPREVIOUS_MONTH
is selected, then data for May 2022 would be returned. It excludes the current unit of time.NEXT
- The next unit of time. For example, if today is June 8, 2022, andNEXT_MONTH
is selected, then data for July 2022 would be returned. It excludes the current unit of time.LAST_N
- The lastn
units of time, including the current one. For example, if today is June 8, 2022 andLAST_N_YEARS
= 3 is selected, then data for 2020, 2021, and 2022 will be returned. It will include the current time period.THIS_HOUR
Starts at the zeroth minute of the current hour and continues for 60 minutes.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM of the current day and continues for 24 hours.
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM of the current week and continues for seven days.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the current month and continues for the duration of the month.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the current calendar quarter and continues for the duration of the quarter.
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM of the current year and continues for the duration of the year.
Starts at the zeroth minute of the previous hour and continues for 60 minutes.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the day before the today and continues for 24 hours.
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM, a week before the current week, and continues for seven days.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the month before the current month and continues for the duration of the month.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the calendar quarter before the current quarter and continues for the duration of the quarter.
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM, the year before the current year, and continues for the duration of the year.
Starts at the zeroth minute of the next hour and continues for 60 minutes.
" Starts at 12:00:00 AM, the day after the current day, and continues for 24 hours.
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM, the week after the current week, and continues for the duration of the week.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the next month and continues for the duration of the month.
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the next calendar quarter and continues for the duration of the quarter.
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM of the next year and continues for the duration of the year.
Starts at the zeroth second
- 1 minute(s) before the current minute and continues through the current minute. It includes this minute.LAST_N_HOURS
Starts at the zeroth minute of the
- 1 hour(s) before the current hour, and continues through the current hour. It includes this hour.LAST_N_DAYS
Starts at 12:00:00 AM,
- 1 day(s) before the current day, and continues through the current day. It includes today.LAST_N_WEEKS
Starts on Monday, 12:00:00 AM,
- 1 week(s) before the current week, and continues through the current week. It includes this week.LAST_N_MONTHS
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the month,
- 1 month(s) before the current month, and continues through the current month. It includes this month.LAST_N_QUARTERS
Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the calendar quarter
- 1 quarter(s) before the current quarter and continues through the current quarter. It includes this quarter.LAST_N_YEARS
Starts on January 1st, 12:00:00 AM of the year
- 1 year(s) before the current year and continues through the current year. It includes this year.
timeRange.n optional Int
The number of time units for the
relative periods.timeRange.start optional DateTime
The optional start timestamp (inclusive). Defaults to the timestamp of the earliest record in the Data Pool.
timeRange.stop optional DateTime
The optional end timestamp (exclusive). Defaults to the timestamp of the latest record in the Data Pool.
timeZone optional String
The time zone to use. Dates and times are always returned in UTC, but setting the time zone influences relative time ranges and granularities.
You can set this to "America/Los_Angeles", "Europe/Berlin", or any other value in the IANA time zone database. Defaults to "UTC".
dimensions required array of MetricReportDimensionInput
One or many dimensions to group the Metric values by. Typically, dimensions in a report are what you want to compare and rank.
The fields for specifying a dimension to include in a Metric Report.
dimensions.columnName required String
The column name of the dimension to include in a Metric Report. This must match the name of a Data Pool column.
dimensions.displayName optional String
The name to display in the
array when displaying the report. This defaults to the column name if unspecified.dimensions.sort optional Sort
The sort order for the dimension. It can be ascending (
) or descending (DESC
) order. Defaults to ascending (ASC
) order when not provided.The available sort orders.
Sort in ascending order.
Sort in descending order.
metrics required array of MetricReportMetricInput
One or more Metrics to include in the Metric Report. These will be broken down by
.The fields for specifying a Metric to include in a Metric Report.
metrics.metric optional MetricInput
The Metric to query. You can query a pre-configured Metric by ID or name, or you can query an ad hoc Metric that you define inline.
metrics.displayName optional String
The name to display in the
array when displaying the report. This defaults to the Metric's unique name if unspecified.metrics.filterSql optional String
The Query Filters to apply when calculating the Metric, in the form of SQL.
metrics.sort optional Sort
The sort order for the Metric. It can be ascending (
) or descending (DESC
) order. Defaults to descending (DESC
) order when not provided.The available sort orders.
Sort in ascending order.
Sort in descending order.
filterSql optional String
The Query Filters to apply when building the Metric Report, in the form of SQL. These can be used to filter out rows.
orderByColumn optional Int
The index of the column to order the Metric Report by. The index is 1-based and defaults to the first Metric column. In other words, by default, reports are ordered by the first Metric; however, you can order by the second Metric, third Metric, etc., by overriding the
input. You can also order by dimensions this way.first optional Int
The number of rows to be returned when paging forward. It can be a number between 1 and 1,000.
after optional String
The cursor to use when paging forward.
last optional Int
The number of rows to be returned when paging forward. It can be a number between 1 and 1,000.
before optional String
The cursor to use when paging backward.
The fields for specifying a Metric to include in a Metric Report.
metric optional MetricInput
The Metric to query. You can query a pre-configured Metric by ID or name, or you can query an ad hoc Metric that you define inline. optional ID
The ID of a pre-configured Metric. optional String
The name of a pre-configured Metric.
metric.custom optional CustomMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Custom Metric.
metric.count optional CountMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Count Metric.
metric.sum optional SumMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Sum Metric.
metric.average optional AverageMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Average Metric.
metric.min optional MinMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Min Metric.
metric.max optional MaxMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Max Metric.
metric.countDistinct optional CountDistinctMetricQueryInput
An ad hoc Count Distinct Metric.
displayName optional String
The name to display in the
array when displaying the report. This defaults to the Metric's unique name if unspecified.filterSql optional String
The Query Filters to apply when calculating the Metric, in the form of SQL.
sort optional Sort
The sort order for the Metric. It can be ascending (
) or descending (DESC
) order. Defaults to descending (DESC
) order when not provided.The available sort orders.
Sort in ascending order.
Sort in descending order.
The fields for migrating a Metric's Data Pool.
dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to which this Metric belongs.
measure required DimensionInput
The column to calculate the minimum from.
connectionSettings optional PartialClickHouseConnectionSettingsInput
The ClickHouse Data Source's new connection settings. If not provided this property will not be modified.
The ClickHouse Data Source connection settings.
connectionSettings.database optional String
Which database to connect to If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings.password optional String
The password for the provided user If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings.url optional String
The URL where the ClickHouse host is listening to HTTP[S] connections If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings.user optional String
The user for authenticating against the ClickHouse host If not provided this property will not be modified.
description optional String
The ClickHouse Data Source's new description. If not provided this property will not be modified.
idOrUniqueName required idOrUniqueName
The ID or unique name of the ClickHouse Data Source to modify.
The ID or unique name input.
If both ID and unique name are provided, the ID will take precedence. optional String
The unique identifier of the object.
idOrUniqueName.uniqueName optional String
The unique name of the object.
uniqueName optional String
The ClickHouse Data Source's new unique name. If not provided this property will not be modified.
id required ID
uniqueName optional String
The Data Pool Access Policy's new unique name.
description optional String
The Data Pool Access Policy's new description.
columns optional array of String
Columns that the Access Policy makes available for querying. If not provided this property will not be modified.
filterSql optional String
Row-level filters that the Access Policy applies before executing queries, in the form of SQL. If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings optional PartialHttpConnectionSettingsInput
The HTTP Data Source's new connection settings. If not provided this property will not be modified.
The HTTP Data Source connection settings.
connectionSettings.basicAuth optional HttpBasicAuthInput
The HTTP Basic authentication settings for uploading new data.
If this parameter is not provided, anyone with the URL to your tables will be able to upload data. While it's OK to test without HTTP Basic authentication, we recommend enabling it. If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings.basicAuthEnabled optional Boolean
Set this to
to disable HTTP Basic authentication. Any previously stored HTTP Basic authentication settings will be cleared out. If not provided this property will not be modified.connectionSettings.tables optional array of HttpDataSourceTableInput
The HTTP Data Source's tables. If not provided this property will not be modified.
description optional String
The HTTP Data Source's new description. If not provided this property will not be modified.
idOrUniqueName required idOrUniqueName
The ID or unique name of the HTTP Data Source to modify.
The ID or unique name input.
If both ID and unique name are provided, the ID will take precedence. optional String
The unique identifier of the object.
idOrUniqueName.uniqueName optional String
The unique name of the object.
uniqueName optional String
The HTTP Data Source's new unique name. If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings optional PartialKafkaConnectionSettingsInput
The Kafka Data Source's new connection settings. If not provided this property will not be modified.
The Kafka Data Source connection settings.
connectionSettings.auth optional String
The type of authentication to use. Can be SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512, PLAIN or NONE If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings.bootstrapServers required array of String
The bootstrap server(s) to connect to If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings.password optional String
The password for the provided user If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings.tls optional Boolean
Whether the the connection to the Kafka servers is encrypted or not If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings.user optional String
The user for authenticating against the Kafka servers If not provided this property will not be modified.
description optional String
The Kafka Data Source's new description. If not provided this property will not be modified.
idOrUniqueName required idOrUniqueName
The ID or unique name of the Kafka Data Source to modify.
The ID or unique name input.
If both ID and unique name are provided, the ID will take precedence. optional String
The unique identifier of the object.
idOrUniqueName.uniqueName optional String
The unique name of the object.
uniqueName optional String
The Kafka Data Source's new unique name. If not provided this property will not be modified.
The fields for modifying a Materialized View.
The fields for modifying a Metric.
metric required ID
The ID of the Metric to modify.
uniqueName optional String
The Metric's new unique name.
description optional String
The Metric's new description.
dimensions optional array of DimensionInput
The Metric's new Dimensions. Used to add or remove Dimensions.
The fields for creating or modifying a Dimension.
dimensions.columnName required String
The name of the column to create the Dimension from.
filterSql optional String
The Metric's new Filters, in the form of SQL. Used to add or remove Metric Filters.
accessControlEnabled optional Boolean
Enables or disables access control for the Metric.
The fields for modifying a Policy.
policy required ID
The Policy's unique identifier.
type required PolicyType
The type of Policy.
The types of Policies that can be applied to a Metric.
Grants access to all Metric data.
Grants access to a specified tenant's Metric data.
connectionSettings optional PartialS3ConnectionSettingsInput
The S3 Data Source's new connection settings. If not provided this property will not be modified.
The connection settings for an S3 Data Source. These include the S3 bucket name, the AWS access key ID, and the tables (along with their paths). We do not allow fetching the AWS secret access key after it has been set.
connectionSettings.awsAccessKeyId optional String
The AWS access key ID for an IAM user with sufficient access to the S3 bucket. If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings.awsSecretAccessKey optional String
The AWS secret access key for an IAM user with sufficient access to the S3 bucket. If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings.bucket optional String
The name of the S3 bucket. If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings.tables optional array of S3DataSourceTableInput
The S3 Data Source's tables. If not provided this property will not be modified.
description optional String
The S3 Data Source's new description. If not provided this property will not be modified.
idOrUniqueName required idOrUniqueName
The ID or unique name of the S3 Data Source to modify.
The ID or unique name input.
If both ID and unique name are provided, the ID will take precedence. optional String
The unique identifier of the object.
idOrUniqueName.uniqueName optional String
The unique name of the object.
uniqueName optional String
The S3 Data Source's new unique name. If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings optional PartialWebhookConnectionSettingsInput
The Webhook Data Source's new connection settings. If not provided this property will not be modified.
The Webhook Data Source connection settings.
connectionSettings.basicAuth optional HttpBasicAuthInput
The HTTP basic authentication settings for the Webhook Data Source URL. If this parameter is not provided, anyone with the webhook URL will be able to send events. While it's OK to test without HTTP Basic authentication, we recommend enabling it. If not provided this property will not be modified.
connectionSettings.basicAuthEnabled optional Boolean
Set this to
to disable HTTP Basic authentication. Any previously stored HTTP Basic authentication settings will be cleared out. If not provided this property will not be modified.
description optional String
The Webhook Data Source's new description. If not provided this property will not be modified.
idOrUniqueName required idOrUniqueName
The ID or unique name of the Webhook Data Source to modify.
The ID or unique name input.
If both ID and unique name are provided, the ID will take precedence. optional String
The unique identifier of the object.
idOrUniqueName.uniqueName optional String
The unique name of the object.
uniqueName optional String
The Webhook Data Source's new unique name. If not provided this property will not be modified.
The ClickHouse Data Source connection settings.
database optional String
Which database to connect to If not provided this property will not be modified.
password optional String
The password for the provided user If not provided this property will not be modified.
url optional String
The URL where the ClickHouse host is listening to HTTP[S] connections If not provided this property will not be modified.
user optional String
The user for authenticating against the ClickHouse host If not provided this property will not be modified.
The HTTP Data Source connection settings.
basicAuth optional HttpBasicAuthInput
The HTTP Basic authentication settings for uploading new data.
If this parameter is not provided, anyone with the URL to your tables will be able to upload data. While it's OK to test without HTTP Basic authentication, we recommend enabling it. If not provided this property will not be modified.
The fields for specifying an HTTP Data Source's Basic authentication settings.
basicAuth.username required String
The username for HTTP Basic authentication that must be included in the Authorization header when uploading new data.
basicAuth.password required String
The password for HTTP Basic authentication that must be included in the Authorization header when uploading new data.
basicAuthEnabled optional Boolean
Set this to
to disable HTTP Basic authentication. Any previously stored HTTP Basic authentication settings will be cleared out. If not provided this property will not be modified.tables optional array of HttpDataSourceTableInput
The HTTP Data Source's tables. If not provided this property will not be modified.
The fields for specifying an HTTP Data Source's table. required String
The name of the table
tables.columns required array of HttpDataSourceColumnInput
All the columns present in the table
The Kafka Data Source connection settings.
auth optional String
The type of authentication to use. Can be SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512, PLAIN or NONE If not provided this property will not be modified.
bootstrapServers required array of String
The bootstrap server(s) to connect to If not provided this property will not be modified.
password optional String
The password for the provided user If not provided this property will not be modified.
tls optional Boolean
Whether the the connection to the Kafka servers is encrypted or not If not provided this property will not be modified.
user optional String
The user for authenticating against the Kafka servers If not provided this property will not be modified.
The connection settings for an S3 Data Source. These include the S3 bucket name, the AWS access key ID, and the tables (along with their paths). We do not allow fetching the AWS secret access key after it has been set.
awsAccessKeyId optional String
The AWS access key ID for an IAM user with sufficient access to the S3 bucket. If not provided this property will not be modified.
awsSecretAccessKey optional String
The AWS secret access key for an IAM user with sufficient access to the S3 bucket. If not provided this property will not be modified.
bucket optional String
The name of the S3 bucket. If not provided this property will not be modified.
tables optional array of S3DataSourceTableInput
The S3 Data Source's tables. If not provided this property will not be modified.
The fields for modifying a Snowflake Data Source's connection settings.
account optional String
The Snowflake account. Only include the part before the "" part of your Snowflake URL (make sure you are in classic console, not Snowsight). For AWS-based accounts, this looks like "". For Google Cloud-based accounts, this looks like "". If not provided this property will not be modified.
database optional String
The Snowflake database name. If not provided this property will not be modified.
warehouse optional String
The Snowflake warehouse name. It should be "PROPELLING" if you used the default name in the setup script. If not provided this property will not be modified.
schema optional String
The Snowflake schema. If not provided this property will not be modified.
username optional String
The Snowflake username. It should be "PROPEL" if you used the default name in the setup script. If not provided this property will not be modified.
password optional String
The Snowflake password. If not provided this property will not be modified.
role optional String
The Snowflake role. It should be "PROPELLER" if you used the default name in the setup script. If not provided this property will not be modified.
The Webhook Data Source connection settings.
basicAuth optional HttpBasicAuthInput
The HTTP basic authentication settings for the Webhook Data Source URL. If this parameter is not provided, anyone with the webhook URL will be able to send events. While it's OK to test without HTTP Basic authentication, we recommend enabling it. If not provided this property will not be modified.
The fields for specifying an HTTP Data Source's Basic authentication settings.
basicAuth.username required String
The username for HTTP Basic authentication that must be included in the Authorization header when uploading new data.
basicAuth.password required String
The password for HTTP Basic authentication that must be included in the Authorization header when uploading new data.
basicAuthEnabled optional Boolean
Set this to
to disable HTTP Basic authentication. Any previously stored HTTP Basic authentication settings will be cleared out. If not provided this property will not be modified.
The fields for querying records by unique ID.
dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to be queried. A Data Pool ID or unique name can be provided.
columns required array of String
The columns to retrieve.
uniqueIds required array of String
The unique IDs of the records to retrieve.
Parameters for the ReplacingMergeTree table engine.
type optional TableEngineType
The type is always
.ClickHouse table engine types.
The MergeTree table engine.
The ReplacingMergeTree table engine.
The SummingMergeTree table engine.
The AggregatingMergeTree table engine.
ver optional String
parameter to the ReplacingMergeTree engine.
The connection settings for an S3 Data Source. These include the S3 bucket name, the AWS access key ID, and the tables (along with their paths). We do not allow fetching the AWS secret access key after it has been set.
awsAccessKeyId required String
The AWS access key ID for an IAM user with sufficient access to the S3 bucket.
awsSecretAccessKey required String
The AWS secret access key for an IAM user with sufficient access to the S3 bucket.
bucket required String
The name of the S3 bucket.
tables required array of S3DataSourceTableInput
The S3 Data Source's tables.
The fields for specifying a column in an S3 Data Source's table.
name required String
The column name. It has to be unique within a Table.
type required ColumnType
The column type.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
nullable required Boolean
Whether the column's type is nullable or not.
The fields for specifying an S3 Data Source's table.
name required String
The name of the table
path optional String
The path to the table's files in S3.
columns required array of S3DataSourceColumnInput
All the columns present in the table
The fields for specifying a column in an S3 Data Source's table. required String
The column name. It has to be unique within a Table.
columns.type required ColumnType
The column type.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
columns.nullable required Boolean
Whether the column's type is nullable or not.
The fields for creating a Snowflake Data Source's connection settings.
account required String
The Snowflake account. Only include the part before the "" part of your Snowflake URL (make sure you are in classic console, not Snowsight). For AWS-based accounts, this looks like "". For Google Cloud-based accounts, this looks like "".
database required String
The Snowflake database name.
warehouse required String
The Snowflake warehouse name. It should be "PROPELLING" if you used the default name in the setup script.
schema required String
The Snowflake schema.
username required String
The Snowflake username. It should be "PROPEL" if you used the default name in the setup script.
password required String
The Snowflake password.
role required String
The Snowflake role. It should be "PROPELLER" if you used the default name in the setup script.
dataPool required DataPoolInput
The Data Pool to which this Metric belongs.