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Query a metric in counter format. Returns a single metric value for the given time range and filters.


  • input required CounterInput

    The fields for querying a Metric in counter format.

    A Metric's counter query returns a single value over a given time range.

    • input.metric optional MetricInput

      The Metric to query. You can query a pre-configured Metric by ID or name, or you can query an ad hoc Metric that you define inline.

    • input.timeRange optional TimeRangeInput

      The time range for calculating the counter.

    • input.timeZone optional String

      The time zone to use. Dates and times are always returned in UTC, but setting the time zone influences relative time ranges and granularities.

      You can set this to "America/Los_Angeles", "Europe/Berlin", or any other value in the IANA time zone database. Defaults to "UTC".

    • input.filterSql optional String

      The Query Filters to apply before retrieving the counter data, in the form of SQL. If no Query Filters are provided, all data is included.


Nullable CounterResponse

The counter response object. It contains a single Metric value for the given time range and Query Filters.


Query metrics in counter format. Returns a metric value for each input in the array of inputs.


  • input required array of CounterInput

    The fields for querying a Metric in counter format.

    A Metric's counter query returns a single value over a given time range.

    • input.metric optional MetricInput

      The Metric to query. You can query a pre-configured Metric by ID or name, or you can query an ad hoc Metric that you define inline.

    • input.timeRange optional TimeRangeInput

      The time range for calculating the counter.

    • input.timeZone optional String

      The time zone to use. Dates and times are always returned in UTC, but setting the time zone influences relative time ranges and granularities.

      You can set this to "America/Los_Angeles", "Europe/Berlin", or any other value in the IANA time zone database. Defaults to "UTC".

    • input.filterSql optional String

      The Query Filters to apply before retrieving the counter data, in the form of SQL. If no Query Filters are provided, all data is included.


Non-null Array of CounterResponse

The counter response object. It contains a single Metric value for the given time range and Query Filters.


This query returns the individual records of a Data Pool with the convenience of built-in pagination, filtering, and sorting.


  • input required DataGridInput

    The fields for querying Data Grid records.

    • input.dataPool required DataPoolInput

      The Data Pool to be queried.

    • input.timeRange optional TimeRangeInput

      The time range for retrieving the records.

    • input.timeZone optional String

      The time zone to use. Dates and times are always returned in UTC, but setting the time zone influences relative time ranges and granularities.

      You can set this to "America/Los_Angeles", "Europe/Berlin", or any other value in the IANA time zone database. Defaults to "UTC".

    • input.columns required array of String

      The columns to retrieve.

    • input.orderByColumn optional Int

      The index of the column to order the table by. The index is 1-based. If not provided, records will be ordered by their timestamp by default.

    • input.sort optional Sort

      The sort order of the rows. It can be ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. Defaults to descending (DESC) order when not provided.

      The available sort orders.

      • ASC

        Sort in ascending order.

      • DESC

        Sort in descending order.

    • input.filterSql optional String

      The filters to apply to the records, in the form of SQL. You may only filter on columns included in the columns array input.

    • input.first optional Int

      The number of rows to be returned when paging forward. It can be a number between 1 and 1,000.

    • input.after optional String

      The cursor to use when paging forward.

    • input.last optional Int

      The number of rows to be returned when paging forward. It can be a number between 1 and 1,000.

    • input.before optional String

      The cursor to use when paging backward.


Non-null DataGridConnection

The Data Grid connection.

It includes headers and rows for a single page of a Data Grid table. It also allows paging forward and backward to other pages of the Data Grid table.

Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.


Describe SQL statements Data Pools.


  • input required DescribeSqlV1Input

    Input for describing SqlV1 inputs.


Non-null DescribeSqlResponse

Response from the describe SQL API.


Query a metric in leaderboard format. Returns a table (array of rows) with the selected dimensions and the metric's corresponding values for the given time range and filters.


  • input required LeaderboardInput

    The fields for querying a Metric in leaderboard format.

    A Metric's leaderboard query returns an ordered table of Dimension and Metric values over a given time range.

    • input.metric optional MetricInput

      The Metric to query. You can query a pre-configured Metric by ID or name, or you can query an ad hoc Metric that you define inline.

    • input.timeRange optional TimeRangeInput

      The time range for calculating the leaderboard.

    • input.timeZone optional String

      The time zone to use. Dates and times are always returned in UTC, but setting the time zone influences relative time ranges and granularities.

      You can set this to "America/Los_Angeles", "Europe/Berlin", or any other value in the IANA time zone database. Defaults to "UTC".

    • input.dimensions required array of DimensionInput

      One or many Dimensions to group the Metric values by. Typically, Dimensions in a leaderboard are what you want to compare and rank.

    • input.sort optional Sort

      The sort order of the rows. It can be ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. Defaults to descending (DESC) order when not provided.

      The available sort orders.

      • ASC

        Sort in ascending order.

      • DESC

        Sort in descending order.

    • input.rowLimit required Int

      The number of rows to be returned. It can be a number between 1 and 1,000.

    • input.filterSql optional String

      The Query Filters to apply before retrieving the leaderboard data, in the form of SQL. If no Query Filters are provided, all data is included.


Nullable LeaderboardResponse

The leaderboard response object. It contains an array of headers and a table (array of rows) with the selected Dimensions and corresponding Metric values for the given time range and Query Filters.

  • leaderboard.headers non-null array of String

    The table headers. It contains the Dimension and Metric names.

  • leaderboard.rows non-null array of String

    An ordered array of rows. Each row contains the Dimension values and the corresponding Metric value. A Dimension value can be empty. A Metric value will never be empty.

  • leaderboard.query non-null QueryInfo

    The Query statistics and metadata.


Build a report, or table, consisting of multiple Metrics broken down by one-or-more dimensions.

The first few columns of the report are the dimensions you choose to break down by. The subsequent columns are the Metrics you choose to query. By default, the report sorts on the first Metric in descending order, but you can configure this with the orderByMetric and sort inputs.

Finally, reports use cursor-based pagination. You can control page size with the first and last inputs.


  • input required MetricReportInput

    The fields for querying a Metric Report.

    A Metric Report is a table whose columns include dimensions and Metric values, calculated over a given time range.

    • input.timeRange optional TimeRangeInput

      The time range for calculating the Metric Report.

    • input.timeZone optional String

      The time zone to use. Dates and times are always returned in UTC, but setting the time zone influences relative time ranges and granularities.

      You can set this to "America/Los_Angeles", "Europe/Berlin", or any other value in the IANA time zone database. Defaults to "UTC".

    • input.dimensions required array of MetricReportDimensionInput

      One or many dimensions to group the Metric values by. Typically, dimensions in a report are what you want to compare and rank.

    • input.metrics required array of MetricReportMetricInput

      One or more Metrics to include in the Metric Report. These will be broken down by dimensions.

    • input.filterSql optional String

      The Query Filters to apply when building the Metric Report, in the form of SQL. These can be used to filter out rows.

    • input.orderByColumn optional Int

      The index of the column to order the Metric Report by. The index is 1-based and defaults to the first Metric column. In other words, by default, reports are ordered by the first Metric; however, you can order by the second Metric, third Metric, etc., by overriding the orderByColumn input. You can also order by dimensions this way.

    • input.first optional Int

      The number of rows to be returned when paging forward. It can be a number between 1 and 1,000.

    • input.after optional String

      The cursor to use when paging forward.

    • input.last optional Int

      The number of rows to be returned when paging forward. It can be a number between 1 and 1,000.

    • input.before optional String

      The cursor to use when paging backward.


Nullable MetricReportConnection

The Metric Report connection object.

It includes headers and rows for a single page of a report. It also allows paging forward and backward to other pages of the report.

Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.

  • metricReport.pageInfo non-null PageInfo

    The report connection's page info.

  • metricReport.edges non-null array of MetricReportEdge

    The report connection's edges.

  • metricReport.nodes non-null array of MetricReportNode

    The report connection's nodes.

  • metricReport.headers non-null array of String

    An ordered array of display names for your dimensions and Metrics, as defined in the report input. Use this to display your table's header.

  • metricReport.rows non-null array of String

    An ordered array of rows. Each row contains dimension and Metric values, as defined in the report input. Use these to display the rows of your table.

  • metricReport.query non-null QueryInfo

    The Query statistics and metadata.


This query returns records by the given unique IDs.


  • input required RecordsByUniqueIdInput

    The fields for querying records by unique ID.

    • input.dataPool required DataPoolInput

      The Data Pool to be queried. A Data Pool ID or unique name can be provided.

    • input.columns required array of String

      The columns to retrieve.

    • input.uniqueIds required array of String

      The unique IDs of the records to retrieve.


Non-null RecordsByUniqueIdResponse


Query Data Pools using SQL.


  • input required SqlV1Input

    Input to the SqlV1 api.


Non-null SqlResponse

Response from the SQL API.

  • sqlV1.columns non-null array of SqlColumnResponse

    The column names in the same order as present in the data field.

  • sqlV1.rows non-null array of String

    The data gathered by the SQL query. The data is returned in an N x M matrix format, where the first dimension are the rows retrieved, and the second dimension are the columns. Each cell can be either a string or null, and the string can represent a number, text, date or boolean value.

  • non-null QueryInfo

    The Query statistics and metadata.


Query a metric in time series format. Returns arrays of timestamps and metric values for the given time range and filters.


  • input required TimeSeriesInput

    The fields for querying a Metric in time series format.

    A Metric's time series query returns the values over a given time range aggregated by a given time granularity; day, month, or year, for example.

    • input.metric optional MetricInput

      The Metric to Query. It can be a pre-created one or it can be inlined here.

    • input.timeRange optional TimeRangeInput

      The time range for calculating the time series.

    • input.timeZone optional String

      The time zone to use. Dates and times are always returned in UTC, but setting the time zone influences relative time ranges and granularities.

      You can set this to "America/Los_Angeles", "Europe/Berlin", or any other value in the IANA time zone database. Defaults to "UTC".

    • input.granularity required TimeSeriesGranularity

      The time granularity (hour, day, month, etc.) to aggregate the Metric values by.

      The available time series granularities. Granularities define the unit of time to aggregate the Metric data for a time series query.

      For example, if the granularity is set to DAY, then the the time series query will return a label and a value for each day.

      If there are no records for a given time series granularity, Propel will return the label and a value of "0" so that the time series can be properly visualized.

      • MINUTE

        Aggregates values by minute intervals.


        Aggregates values by 5-minute intervals.


        Aggregates values by 10-minute intervals.


        Aggregates values by 15-minute intervals.

      • HOUR

        Aggregates values by hourly intervals.

      • DAY

        Aggregates values by daily intervals.

      • WEEK

        Aggregates values by weekly intervals.

      • MONTH

        Aggregates values by monthly intervals.

      • YEAR

        Aggregates values by yearly intervals.

    • input.filterSql optional String

      The Query Filters to apply before retrieving the time series data, in the form of SQL. If no Query Filters are provided, all data is included.

    • input.groupBy optional array of String

      Columns to group by.


Nullable TimeSeriesResponse

The time series response object. It contains an array of time series labels and an array of Metric values for the given time range and Query Filters.


This query returns an array of the most frequent values in a given column. The resulting array is sorted in descending order of approximate frequency of values.


  • input required TopValuesInput

    The fields for querying the top values in a given column.

    • input.dataPool required DataPoolInput

      The Data Pool to be queried. A Data Pool ID or unique name can be provided.

    • input.columnName required String

      The column to fetch the unique values from.

    • input.timeRange optional TimeRangeInput

      The time range for calculating the top values.

    • input.timeZone optional String

      The time zone to use. Dates and times are always returned in UTC, but setting the time zone influences relative time ranges and granularities.

      You can set this to "America/Los_Angeles", "Europe/Berlin", or any other value in the IANA time zone database. Defaults to "UTC".

    • input.maxValues optional Int

      The maximum number of values to return. It can be a number between 1 and 1,000. If the parameter is omitted, default value 10 is used.


Non-null TopValuesResponse