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Fivetran Setup Guide

This guide explains how to connect and sync data from any Fivetran source to Propel.

It covers how to:

  1. Create a Propel Application.
  2. Create the destination in Fivetran.
  3. Create your first Fivetran to Propel connector.


To connect Propel to Fivetran, you need the following:

1. Create a Propel Application​

You must create a Propel Application. Propel Applications provide the API credentials, allowing the Fivetran destination to access the Propel API.

  1. Log in to the Propel Console.
  2. Go to the Applications section and click Create Application.
  3. Enter the Unique Name. For example, 'Fivetran Destination'.
  4. Provide a Description. For example, 'The Fivetran Destination app'.
  5. In the API scopes section, in the Scopes drop-down menu, select the ADMIN scope.
  6. In the Propeller section, in the Select Propeller drop-down menu, select the processing power as per your requirements.
  7. Click Create.

Propel Application for Fivetran

  1. Make a note of the Application ID and secret. You will need them to configure Fivetran.

Propel Application credentials for Fivetran

2. Create the Fivetran destination​

  1. Log in to your Fivetran account.
  2. Go to the Destinations page, and then click + Add Destination.
  3. Enter a Destination name of your choice.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Select Propel as the destination type.
  6. Enter the Application ID and Secret you found in Step 1.
  7. Choose the Data processing location.
  8. Choose your Time zone.
  9. Click Save & Test.

Fivetran Propel setup

Fivetran tests and validates the Propel connection. On successful completion of the setup test, you can sync your data using Fivetran connectors to the Propel destination.

Fivetran Propel tests

Once the destination is set up, you can start adding connectors to sync data.

Fivetran tables example

Setup tests​

Fivetran performs the following Propel connection test:

  • The Connection test checks if we can connect to your Propel account through the API using the Application ID and secret you provided in the setup form.

3. Create your first Fivetran to Propel connector​

  1. Go to the Connectors page, and then click + Add connector.
  2. Select the Propel destination you just created.
  3. Search for the source you need to sync. For example, Salesforce.
  4. Enter source's configuration.
  5. Click Save & Test.

Once set up, Fivetran will start syncing data from the source to the Propel destination.