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SQL Functions




AVG(numeric) → numeric


AVG_IF(numeric, boolean) → numeric


COUNT(*) → numeric

COUNT(any) → numeric

COUNT() → numeric


COUNT_IF(boolean) → numeric


COUNT_DISTINCT(any) → integer


FIRST(any) → any

FIRST(any, any) → any


LAST(any) → any

LAST(any, any) → any


SUM(numeric) → numeric


SUM_IF(numeric, boolean) → numeric


MIN(any) → any


MAX(any) → any


ANY(any) → any


PERCENTILE(numeric, numeric) → numeric


TOP_K(N integer, column any) → anyarray




IS_NULL(any) → boolean


TO_START_OF_MINUTE(date or timestamp) → timestamp


TO_START_OF_FIVE_MINUTES(date or timestamp) → timestamp


TO_START_OF_TEN_MINUTES(date or timestamp) → timestamp


TO_START_OF_FIFTEEN_MINUTES(date or timestamp) → timestamp


TO_START_OF_HOUR(date or timestamp) → timestamp


TO_START_OF_DAY(date or timestamp) → timestamp


TO_START_OF_WEEK(date or timestamp) → timestamp


TO_START_OF_MONTH(date or timestamp) → timestamp


TO_START_OF_YEAR(date or timestamp) → timestamp


TO_INTERVAL_SECOND(integer) → interval


TO_INTERVAL_MINUTE(integer) → interval


TO_INTERVAL_HOUR(integer) → interval


TO_INTERVAL_DAY(integer) → interval


TO_INTERVAL_WEEK(integer) → interval


TO_INTERVAL_MONTH(integer) → interval


TO_INTERVAL_QUARTER(integer) → interval


TO_INTERVAL_YEAR(integer) → interval


TO_SECOND(date or timestamp) → integer


TO_MINUTE(date or timestamp) → integer


TO_HOUR(date or timestamp) → integer


TO_DAY_OF_WEEK(date or timestamp) → integer


TO_DAY_OF_MONTH(date or timestamp) → integer


TO_DAY_OF_YEAR(date or timestamp) → integer


TO_ISO_WEEK(date or timestamp) → integer


TO_MONTH(date or timestamp) → integer


TO_QUARTER(date or timestamp) → integer


TO_YEAR(date or timestamp) → integer


ADD(numeric, numeric [, ...]) → numeric


SUBTRACT(numeric, numeric [, ...]) → numeric


MULTIPLY(numeric, numeric [, ...]) → numeric


DIVIDE(numeric, numeric [, ...]) → numeric


TIMESTAMP_DIFF(unit text, startdate any, enddate any [, timezone text]) → integer


DATE_DIFF(unit text, startdate any, enddate any [, timezone text]) → integer


DATE_TRUNC(unit text, value any [, timezone text]) → timestamp


TO_UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date or timestamp [, timezone text]) → integer


CAST(any, text) → any


CONCAT(s1 text, s2 text [, ...]) → text


CONCAT_WITH_SEPARATOR(separator text, s1 text, s2 text [, ...]) → text


TO_TIMESTAMP(str text, format text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


NOW() → timestamp




FLOOR(numeric) → numeric


CEIL(numeric) → numeric


SUBSTRING(s text, offset integer [, length integer]) → text



Mathematical Functions​


abs(numeric_type) → numeric_type


cbrt(double precision) → double precision


ceil(numeric) → numeric

ceil(double precision) → double precision


ceiling(numeric) → numeric

ceiling(double precision) → double precision


degrees(double precision) → double precision


div(y numeric, x numeric) → numeric


erf(double precision) → double precision


erfc(double precision) → double precision


exp(numeric) → numeric

exp(double precision) → double precision


factorial(big int) → numeric


floor(numeric) → numeric

floor(double precision) → double precision


gcd(numeric_type, numeric_type) → numeric_type


lcm(numeric_type, numeric_type) → numeric_type


ln(numeric) → numeric

ln(double precision) → double precision


log(numeric) → numeric

log(double precision) → double precision

log(b numeric, x numeric) → numeric


log10(numeric) → numeric

log10(double precision) → double precision


mod(y numeric_type, x numeric_type) → numeric_type


pi() → double precision


power(a numeric, b numeric) → numeric

power(a double precision, b double precision) → double precision


radians(double precision) → double precision


round(numeric) → numeric

round(double precision) → double precision

round(v numeric, s integer) → numeric


sign(numeric) → numeric

sign(double precision) → double precision


sqrt(numeric) → numeric

sqrt(double precision) → double precision


trunc(numeric) → numeric

trunc(double precision) → double precision

trunc(v numeric, s integer) → numeric


width_bucket(operand numeric, low numeric, high numeric, count integer) → integer

width_bucket(operand double precision, low double precision, high double precision, count integer) → integer

width_bucket(operand anycompatible, thresholds anycompatiblearray) → integer


random() → double precision


random_normal(mean double precision [, stddev double precision]) → double precision


acos(double precision) → double precision


asin(double precision) → double precision


atan(double precision) → double precision


atan2(y double precision, x double precision) → double precision


cos(double precision) → double precision


sin(double precision) → double precision


tan(double precision) → double precision


sinh(double precision) → double precision


cosh(double precision) → double precision


asinh(double precision) → double precision


acosh(double precision) → double precision


atanh(double precision) → double precision


String Functions​


btrim(string text [, characters text]) → text


bit_length(text) → integer


char_length(text) → integer


character_length(text) → integer


lower(text) → text


lpad(string text, length integer [, fill text]) → text


ltrim(string text [, characters text]) → text


normalize(text [, form]) → text


octet_length(text) → integer

octet_length(character) → integer


rpad(string text, length integer [, fill text]) → text


rtrim(string text [, characters text]) → text


upper(text) → text


ascii(text) → integer


chr(integer) → text


concat(val1 "any" [, val2 "any" [, ...]]) → text


concat_ws(sep text, val1 "any" [, val2 "any" [, ...]]) → text


format(formatstr text [, formatarg "any" [, ...]]) → text


initcap(text) → text


length(text) → integer


md5(text) → text


repeat(string text, number integer) → text


replace(string text, from text, to text) → text


reverse(text) → text


substr(string text, start integer [, count integer]) → text


to_hex(integer) → text

to_hex(big int) → text


translate(string text, from text, to text) → text


Binary String Functions​


bit_length(bytea) → integer


btrim(bytes bytea, bytesremoved bytea) → bytea


ltrim(bytes bytea, bytesremoved bytea) → bytea


octet_length(bytea) → integer


rtrim(bytes bytea, bytesremoved bytea) → bytea


bit_count(bytes bytea) → bigint


get_byte(bytes bytea, n integer) → integer


length(bytea) → integer

length(bytes bytea, encoding name) → integer


md5(bytea) → text


sha224(bytea) → bytea


sha256(bytea) → bytea


sha512(bytea) → bytea


substr(bytes bytea, start integer [, count integer]) → bytea


convert(bytes bytea, src_encoding name, dest_encoding name) → bytea


convert_from(bytes bytea, src_encoding name) → text


convert_to(string text, dest_encoding name) → bytea


encode(bytes bytea, format text) → text


decode(string text, format text) → bytea


Bit String Functions​


bit_count(bit) → bigint


bit_length(bit) → integer


length(bit) → integer


octet_length(bit) → integer


Date/Time Functions​


age(timestamp, timestamp) → interval

age(timestamp) → interval


clock_timestamp() → timestamp with time zone


current_timestamp(integer) → timestamp with time zone


date_add(timestamp with time zone, interval [, text]) → timestamp with time zone


date_trunc(text, timestamp) → timestamp

date_trunc(text, timestamp with time zone, text) → timestamp with time zone

date_trunc(text, interval) → interval


isfinite(date) → boolean

isfinite(timestamp) → boolean

isfinite(interval) → boolean


localtime(integer) → time


localtimestamp(integer) → timestamp


make_date(year int, month int, day int) → date


now() → timestamp with time zone


statement_timestamp() → timestamp with time zone


transaction_timestamp() → timestamp with time zone


Geometric Functions​


length(geometric_type) → double precision


Network Address Functions​


trunc(macaddr) → macaddr

trunc(macaddr8) → macaddr8


Text Search Functions​


length(tsvector) → integer


UUID Functions​


gen_random_uuid() → uuid


XML Functions​


xmlconcat(xml [, ...]) → xml


Conditional Expressions​


COALESCE(any [, ...]) → any


NULLIF(value1 any, value2 any) → any


GREATEST(value any [, ...]) → any


LEAST(value any [, ...]) → any


Range/Multirange Functions​


lower(anyrange) → anyelement

lower(anymultirange) → anyelement


upper(anyrange) → anyelement

upper(anymultirange) → anyelement


Aggregate Functions​


any_value(anyelement) → same as input type


avg(small int) → numeric

avg(integer) → numeric

avg(big int) → numeric

avg(numeric) → numeric

avg(real) → double precision

avg(double precision) → double precision

avg(interval) → interval


bit_and(small int) → smallint

bit_and(integer) → integer

bit_and(big int) → bigint

bit_and(bit) → bit


bit_or(small int) → smallint

bit_or(integer) → integer

bit_or(big int) → bigint

bit_or(bit) → bit


bit_xor(small int) → smallint

bit_xor(integer) → integer

bit_xor(big int) → bigint

bit_xor(bit) → bit


bool_and(boolean) → boolean


bool_or(boolean) → boolean


count(*) → bigint

count("any") → bigint


every(boolean) → boolean


max(see text) → same as input type


min(see text) → same as input type


sum(small int) → bigint

sum(integer) → bigint

sum(big int) → numeric

sum(numeric) → numeric

sum(real) → real

sum(double precision) → double precision

sum(interval) → interval

sum(money) → money


corr(Y double precision, X double precision) → double precision


covar_pop(Y double precision, X double precision) → double precision


covar_samp(Y double precision, X double precision) → double precision


Window Functions​


first_value(value anyelement) → anyelement


last_value(value anyelement) → anyelement


System Information Functions​


current_database() → name


version() → text


age(xid) → integer



Arithmetic Functions​


plus(a numeric, b numeric) → numeric

plus(a integer, b date) → date

plus(a date, b integer) → date

plus(a integer, b timestamp) → timestamp

plus(a timestamp, b integer) → timestamp


minus(a numeric, b numeric) → numeric

minus(a integer, b date) → date

minus(a date, b integer) → date

minus(a integer, b timestamp) → timestamp

minus(a timestamp, b integer) → timestamp


multiply(a numeric, b numeric) → numeric


divide(a numeric, b numeric) → float64


intDiv(a numeric, b numeric) → integer


intDivOrZero(a numeric, b numeric) → integer


modulo(a integer, b integer) → integer

modulo(a numeric, b numeric) → float64


moduloOrZero(a integer, b integer) → integer

moduloOrZero(a numeric, b numeric) → float64


positiveModulo(a integer, b integer) → integer

positiveModulo(a numeric, b numeric) → float64


negate(a numeric) → numeric


abs(a numeric) → numeric


gcd(a numeric, b numeric) → numeric


lcm(a numeric, b numeric) → numeric


max2(a numeric, b numeric) → float64


min2(a numeric, b numeric) → float64


multiplyDecimal(a decimal, b decimal [, result_scale integer]) → decimal256


divideDecimal(a decimal, b decimal [, result_scale integer]) → decimal256


byteSwap(a integer) → integer


Array Functions​


empty(anyarray) → boolean


notEmpty(anyarray) → boolean


length(anyarray) → uint64


reverse(arr anyarray) → anyarray


Bit Functions​


bitAnd(numeric, numeric) → integer


bitOr(numeric, numeric) → integer


bitXor(numeric, numeric) → integer


bitNot(numeric) → integer


bitShiftLeft(numeric, integer) → integer

bitShiftLeft(text, integer) → text


bitShiftRight(numeric, integer) → integer

bitShiftRight(text, integer) → text


bitRotateLeft(numeric, integer) → integer


bitRotateRight(numeric, integer) → integer


bitSlice(s text, offset integer [, length integer]) → text


byteSlice(s text, offset integer [, length integer]) → text


bitTest(numeric, integer) → boolean


bitTestAll(numeric, integer [, ...]) → boolean


bitTestAny(numeric, integer [, ...]) → boolean


bitCount(numeric) → uint8


bitHammingDistance(int64, int64) → uint8


Comparison Functions​


equals(any, any) → boolean


notEquals(any, any) → boolean


less(any, any) → boolean


greater(any, any) → boolean


lessOrEquals(any, any) → boolean


greaterOrEquals(any, any) → boolean


Conditional Functions​


if(cond boolean, then any, else any) → any


multiIf(cond_1 boolean, then_1 any, cond_2 boolean, then_2 any [, ...], else any) → any


greatest(any [, ...]) → any


least(any [, ...]) → any


Date and Time Functions​


makeDate(year numeric, month numeric, day numeric) → date

makeDate(year numeric, day_of_year numeric) → date


makeDate32(year numeric, month numeric, day numeric) → date32

makeDate32(year numeric, day_of_year numeric) → date32


makeDateTime(year numeric, month numeric, day numeric, hour numeric, minute numeric, second numeric [, timezone text]) → date32


makeDateTime64(year numeric, month numeric, day numeric, hour numeric, minute numeric, second numeric [, fraction numeric] [, precision numeric] [, timezone text]) → date32


timestamp(exp text [, expr_time text]) → datetime64


timeZone() → text


timezone() → text


serverTimeZone() → text


serverTimezone() → text


toTimeZone(datetime64, timezone text) → datetime


timeZoneOf(date time or datetime64) → text


timeZoneOffset(date time or datetime64) → int32


toYear(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → uint16


toQuarter(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → uint8


toMonth(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → uint8


toDayOfYear(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → uint16


DAYOFYEAR(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → uint16


toDayOfMonth(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → uint8


toDayOfWeek(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, mode integer] [, timezone text]) → uint8


toHour(date time or datetime64) → uint8


HOUR(date time or datetime64) → uint8


toMinute(date time or datetime64) → uint8


MINUTE(date time or datetime64) → uint8


toSecond(date time or datetime64) → uint8


SECOND(date time or datetime64) → uint8


toMillisecond(date time or datetime64) → uint8


MILLISECOND(date time or datetime64) → uint8


toUnixTimestamp(date or timestamp) → uint32

toUnixTimestamp(str text [, timezone text]) → uint32


toStartOfYear(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date


toStartOfISOYear(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date


toStartOfQuarter(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date


toStartOfMonth(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date


toLastDayOfMonth(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date


toMonday(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date


toStartOfWeek(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, mode integer] [, timezone text]) → date


toLastDayOfWeek(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, mode integer] [, timezone text]) → date


toStartOfDay(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → datetime


toStartOfHour(date time or datetime64) → datetime


toStartOfMinute(date time or datetime64) → datetime


toStartOfSecond(datetime64 [, timezone text]) → datetime64


toStartOfFiveMinutes(date time or datetime64) → datetime


toStartOfTenMinutes(date time or datetime64) → datetime


toStartOfFifteenMinutes(date time or datetime64) → datetime


toTime(date time or datetime64) → same as input type


toRelativeYearNum(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → integer


toRelativeQuarterNum(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → integer


toRelativeMonthNum(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → integer


toRelativeWeekNum(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → integer


toRelativeDayNum(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → integer


toRelativeHourNum(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → integer


toRelativeMinuteNum(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → integer


toRelativeSecondNum(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → integer


toISOYear(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → uint16


toISOWeek(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → uint8


toWeek(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, mode integer]) → uint8


WEEK(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, mode integer]) → uint8


toYearWeek(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, mode integer]) → uint8


YEARWEEK(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, mode integer]) → uint8


toDaysSinceYearZero(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → uint32


TO_DAYS(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → uint32


fromDaysSinceYearZero(days integer) → date


FROM_DAYS(days integer) → date


fromDaysSinceYearZero32(days integer) → date32


age(unit text, startdate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, enddate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → integer


date_diff(unit text, startdate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, enddate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → integer


dateDiff(unit text, startdate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, enddate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → integer


DATE_DIFF(unit text, startdate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, enddate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → integer


timestampDiff(unit text, startdate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, enddate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → integer


timestamp_diff(unit text, startdate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, enddate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → integer


TIMESTAMP_DIFF(unit text, startdate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, enddate date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → integer


date_trunc(unit text, value date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → timestamp


dateTrunc(unit text, value date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → timestamp


date_add(unit text, value integer, date date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


dateAdd(unit text, value integer, date date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


DATE_ADD(unit text, value integer, date date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


date_sub(unit text, value integer, date date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


dateSub(unit text, value integer, date date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


DATE_SUB(unit text, value integer, date date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


timestamp_sub(unit text, value integer, date date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


timestampSub(unit text, value integer, date date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


TIMESTAMP_SUB(unit text, value integer, date date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


addDate(date date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, interval interval) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


subDate(date date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, interval interval) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


now(timezone text) → datetime


current_timestamp(timezone text) → timestamp


now64(timezone text) → datetime64


nowInBlock(timezone text) → datetime


today() → datetime


yesterday() → datetime


timeSlot(date time or datetime64) → same as input type


toYYYYMM(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → text


toYYYYMMDD(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → text


toYYYYMMDDhhmmss(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → text


YYYYMMDDToDate(yyyymmdd text) → date


YYYYMMDDToDate32(yyyymmdd text) → date32


YYYYMMDDhhmmssToDateTime(yyyymmddhhmmss text [, timezone text]) → datetime


YYYYMMDDhhmmssToDateTime64(yyyymmddhhmmss text [, timezone text]) → datetime64


addYears(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


addQuarters(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


addMonths(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


addWeeks(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


addDays(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


addHours(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → datetime or datetime64


addMinutes(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → datetime or datetime64


addSeconds(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → datetime or datetime64


addMilliseconds(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → datetime or datetime64


addMicroseconds(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → datetime or datetime64


addNanoseconds(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → datetime or datetime64


subtractYears(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


subtractQuarters(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


subtractMonths(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


subtractWeeks(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


subtractDays(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → date or date32 or datetime or datetime64


subtractHours(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → datetime or datetime64


subtractMinutes(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → datetime or datetime64


subtractSeconds(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → datetime or datetime64


subtractMilliseconds(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → datetime or datetime64


subtractMicroseconds(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → datetime or datetime64


subtractNanoseconds(text or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, integer) → datetime or datetime64


timeSlots(starttime datetime or datetime64, duration uint32 [, size uint32]) → anyarray


formatDateTime(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, format text [, timezone text]) → text


DATE_FORMAT(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, format text [, timezone text]) → text


formatDateTimeInJodaSyntax(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, format text [, timezone text]) → text


dateName(date_part text, date date or date32 or datetime or datetime64 [, timezone text]) → text


monthName(date or date32 or datetime or datetime64) → text


fromUnixTimestamp(integer) → datetime

fromUnixTimestamp(integer or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, format text [, timezone text]) → text


FROM_UNIXTIME(integer) → datetime


fromUnixTimestampInJodaSyntax(integer or date or date32 or datetime or datetime64, format text [, timezone text]) → text


toModifiedJulianDay(text) → int32


toModifiedJulianDayOrNull(text) → int32


fromModifiedJulianDay(integer) → text


fromModifiedJulianDayOrNull(integer) → text


toUTCTimestamp(time_val datetime or datetime64, timezone text) → text


fromUTCTimestamp(time_val datetime or datetime64, timezone text) → text


timeDiff(first_datetime datetime or datetime64, second_datetime datetime or datetime64) → numeric


Encoding Functions​


char(numeric [, ...]) → text


hex(any) → text


unhex(arg text) → text


bin(any) → text


unbin(text) → text


bitmaskToList(integer) → text


mortonEncode(integer [, ...]) → uint64


Hash Functions​


halfMD5(any [, ...]) → uint64


MD4(text) → text


MD5(text) → text


sipHash64(any [, ...]) → uint64


sipHash128(any [, ...]) → text


sipHash128Reference(any [, ...]) → text


cityHash(any [, ...]) → uint64


intHash32(integer) → uint32


intHash64(integer) → uint64


SHA1(text) → text


SHA224(text) → text


SHA256(text) → text


SHA512(text) → text


SHA512_256(text) → text


BLAKE3(text) → text


URLHash(url text [, N integer]) → text


farmFingerprint64(any [, ...]) → uint64


farmHash64(any [, ...]) → uint64


javaHash(any) → int32


javaHashUTF16LE(text) → int32


hiveHash(text) → int32


metroHash64(any [, ...]) → uint64


jumpConsistentHash(u int64, buckets integer) → int32


murmurHash2_32(any [, ...]) → uint32


murmurHash2_64(any [, ...]) → uint64


gccMurmurHash(any [, ...]) → uint64


kafkaMurmurHash(any [, ...]) → uint32


murmurHash3_32(any [, ...]) → uint32


murmurHash3_64(any [, ...]) → uint64


murmurHash3_128(any [, ...]) → text


xxh3(any [, ...]) → uint64


xxHash32(text) → uint32


xxHash64(text) → uint64


ngramSimHash(text [, ngramsize uint8]) → uint64


ngramSimHashCaseInsensitive(text [, ngramsize uint8]) → uint64


ngramSimHashUTF8(text [, ngramsize uint8]) → uint64


ngramSimHashCaseInsensitiveUTF8(text [, ngramsize uint8]) → uint64


wordShingleSimHash(text [, shinglesize uint8]) → uint64


wordShingleSimHashCaseInsensitive(text [, shinglesize uint8]) → uint64


wordShingleSimHashUTF8(text [, shinglesize uint8]) → uint64


wordShingleSimHashCaseInsensitiveUTF8(text [, shinglesize uint8]) → uint64


sqidEncode(integer [, ...]) → text


sqidDecode(text) → anyarray


IP Address Functions​


IPv4NumToString(uint32) → text


IPv4StringToNum(text) → uint32


INET_ATON(text) → uint32


IPv4StringToNumOrDefault(text) → uint32


IPv4StringToNumOrNull(text) → uint32


IPv4NumToStringClassC(uint32) → text


IPv6NumToString(text) → text


INET6_NTOA(text) → text


IPv6StringToNum(text) → text


INET6_ATON(text) → text


IPv6StringToNumOrDefault(text) → text


IPv6StringToNumOrNull(text) → text


IPv4ToIPv6(uint32) → text


cutIPv6(text, bytesToCutForIPv6 integer, bytesToCutForIPv4 integer) → text


isIPv4String(text) → boolean


isIPv6String(text) → boolean


isIPAddressInRange(address text, prefix text) → boolean


JSON Functions​


JSONExtractRaw(json text [, indices_or_keys text or integer [, ...]]) → text


JSONExtract(json text [, indices_or_keys text or integer [, ...]], return_type text) → any


JSONType(json text [, indices_or_keys text or integer [, ...]]) → text


Logical Functions​


and(any, any [, ...]) → boolean


or(any, any [, ...]) → boolean


not(any) → boolean


xor(any, any [, ...]) → boolean


Mathematical Functions​


e() → float64


pi() → float64


exp(numeric) → float32 or float64


log(numeric) → float32 or float64


ln(numeric) → float32 or float64


exp2(numeric) → float32 or float64


intExp2(numeric) → uint64


log2(numeric) → float32 or float64


exp10(numeric) → float32 or float64


intExp10(numeric) → uint64


log10(numeric) → float32 or float64


sqrt(numeric) → float32 or float64


cbrt(numeric) → float32 or float64


erf(numeric) → float32 or float64


erfc(numeric) → float32 or float64


lgamma(numeric) → float32 or float64


tgamma(numeric) → float32 or float64


sin(numeric) → float32 or float64


cos(numeric) → float32 or float64


tan(numeric) → float32 or float64


asin(numeric) → float32 or float64


acos(numeric) → float32 or float64


atan(numeric) → float32 or float64


pow(numeric, numeric) → float64


cosh(float64) → float64


acosh(float64) → float64


sinh(float64) → float64


asinh(float64) → float64


atanh(float64) → float64


atan2(float64, float64) → float64


hypot(float64, float64) → float64


log1p(float64) → float64


sign(numeric) → int8


degrees(float64) → float64


radians(float64) → float64


factorial(integer) → uint64


width_bucket(operand numeric, low numeric, high numeric, count uint8 or uint16 or uint32 or uint64) → numeric


Nullable Value Functions​


isNull(any) → boolean


isNotNull(any) → boolean


isZeroOrNull(any) → boolean


coalesce(any [, ...]) → any


ifNull(x any, alt any) → any


nullIf(x any, y any) → any


assumeNotNull(x any) → any


toNullable(x any) → any


Other Functions​


basename(text) → text


visibleWidth(text) → text


toTypeName(text) → text


blockSize() → integer


byteSize(any [, ...]) → uint64


currentDatabase() → text


isConstant(any) → boolean


isFinite(float32 or float64) → boolean


isInfinite(float32 or float64) → boolean


ifNotFinite(x float32 or float64, y float32 or float64) → float32 or float64


isNaN(float32 or float64) → boolean


bar(x integer, min int64, max int64, width numeric) → text


formatReadableDecimalSize(bytes integer) → text


formatReadableSize(bytes integer) → text


formatReadableQuantity(quantity integer) → text


formatReadableTimeDelta(column any [, maximum_unit text] [, minimum_unit text]) → text


parseTimeDelta(text) → float64


least(any, any) → any


greatest(any, any) → any


version() → text


blockNumber() → text


rowNumberInBlock() → integer


rowNumberInAllBlocks() → integer


runningDifference(numeric) → numeric


runningDifferenceWithFirstValue(numeric) → numeric


identity(any) → any


countDigits(x integer) → uint8


formatQuery(query text) → text


formatQueryOrNull(query text) → text


formatQuerySingleLine(query text) → text


formatQuerySingleLineOrNull(query text) → text


Random Value Functions​


rand() → uint32


rand64() → uint64


randCanonical() → float64


randConstant(any) → uint32


randUniform(min float64, max float64) → float64


randNormal(mean float64, variance float64) → float64


randLogNormal(mean float64, variance float64) → float64


randBinomial(experiments uint64, probability float64) → uint64


randNegativeBinomial(experiments uint64, probability float64) → uint64


randPoisson(n uint64) → uint64


randBernoulli(probability float64) → uint64


randExponential(lambda float64) → float64


randChiSquared(degree_of_freedom float64) → float64


randStudentT(degree_of_freedom float64) → float64


randFisherF(d1 float64, d2 float64) → float64


randomString(length integer) → text


randomFixedString(length uint64) → text


randomPrintableASCII(length integer) → text


randomStringUTF8(length uint64) → text


fuzzBits(s text, prob float32 or float64) → text


Rounding Functions​


floor(x numeric [, N integer]) → numeric


ceil(x numeric [, N integer]) → numeric


ceiling(x numeric [, N integer]) → numeric


trunc(x numeric [, N integer]) → numeric


truncate(x numeric [, N integer]) → numeric


round(x numeric [, N integer]) → numeric


roundBankers(x numeric [, N integer]) → numeric


roundToExp2(numeric) → numeric


roundDuration(numeric) → numeric


roundAge(numeric) → numeric


roundDown(numeric, anyarray) → any


String Functions​


empty(text) → boolean

empty(anyarray) → boolean

empty(uuid) → boolean


notEmpty(text) → boolean

notEmpty(anyarray) → boolean

notEmpty(uuid) → boolean


length(text) → integer

length(anyarray) → integer


OCTET_LENGTH(text) → integer


lengthUTF8(text) → integer


CHAR_LENGTH(text) → integer


CHARACTER_LENGTH(text) → integer


leftPad(text, length integer [, pad_string text]) → text


LPAD(text, length integer [, pad_string text]) → text


leftPadUTF8(text, length integer [, pad_string text]) → text


rightPad(text, length integer [, pad_string text]) → text


RPAD(text, length integer [, pad_string text]) → text


rightPadUTF8(text, length integer [, pad_string text]) → text


lower(text) → text


lcase(text) → text


upper(text) → text


ucase(text) → text


lowerUTF8(text) → text


upperUTF8(text) → text


isValidUTF8(text) → boolean


toValidUTF8(text) → text


repeat(text, integer) → text


space(integer) → text


SPACE(integer) → text


reverse(text) → text


reverseUTF8(text) → text


concat(s1 text, s2 text [, ...]) → text


concatAssumeInjective(s1 text, s2 text [, ...]) → text


concatWithSeparator(sep text, expr1 text, expr2 text [, ...]) → text


concat_ws(sep text, expr1 text, expr2 text [, ...]) → text


concatWithSeparatorAssumeInjective(sep text, expr1 text, expr2 text [, ...]) → text


substring(s text, offset integer [, length integer]) → text


substr(s text, offset integer [, length integer]) → text


mid(s text, offset integer [, length integer]) → text


byteSlice(s text, offset integer [, length integer]) → text


substringUTF8(s text, offset integer [, length integer]) → text


substringIndex(s text, delim text, count integer) → text


SUBSTRING_INDEX(s text, delim text, count integer) → text


substringIndexUTF8(s text, delim text, count integer) → text


appendTrailingCharIfAbsent(s text, c text) → text


convertCharset(s text, from text, to text) → text


base58Encode(text) → text


base58Decode(text) → text


tryBase58Decode(text) → text


base64Encode(text) → text


TO_BASE64(text) → text


base64Decode(text) → text


FROM_BASE64(text) → text


tryBase64Decode(text) → text


endsWith(str text, suffix text) → boolean


endsWithUTF8(str text, suffix text) → boolean


startsWith(str text, prefix text) → boolean


startsWithUTF8(str text, prefix text) → boolean


trimLeft(text) → text


ltrim(text) → text


trimRight(text) → text


rtrim(text) → text


trimBoth(text) → text


trim(text) → text


CRC32(text) → uint32


CRC32IEEE(text) → uint32


CRC64(text) → uint64


normalizeQuery(text) → text


normalizeQueryHash(text) → uint64


normalizeUTF8NFC(text) → text


normalizeUTF8NFD(text) → text


normalizeUTF8NFKC(text) → text


normalizeUTF8NFKD(text) → text


encodeXMLComponent(text) → text


decodeXMLComponent(text) → text


decodeHTMLComponent(text) → text


extractTextFromHTML(text) → text


ascii(text) → int32


soundex(text) → text


punycodeEncode(text) → text


punycodDecode(text) → text


tryPunycodDecode(text) → text


idnaEncode(text) → text


tryIdnaEncode(text) → text


idnaDecode(text) → text


byteHammingDistance(string1 text, string2 text) → integer


mismatches(string1 text, string2 text) → integer


stringJaccardIndex(string1 text, string2 text) → float64


stringJaccardIndexUTF8(string1 text, string2 text) → float64


editDistance(string1 text, string2 text) → integer


levenshteinDistance(string1 text, string2 text) → integer


damerauLevenshteinDistance(string1 text, string2 text) → integer


jaroSimilarity(string1 text, string2 text) → float64


jaroWinklerSimilarity(string1 text, string2 text) → float64


initcap(text) → text


initcapUTF8(text) → text


firstLine(text) → text


String Replacement Functions​


replaceOne(haystack text, pattern text, replacement text) → text


replaceAll(haystack text, pattern text, replacement text) → text


replace(haystack text, pattern text, replacement text) → text


replaceRegexpOne(haystack text, pattern text, replacement text) → text


replaceRegexpAll(haystack text, pattern text, replacement text) → text


REGEXP_REPLACE(haystack text, pattern text, replacement text) → text


regexpQuoteMeta(text) → text


format(pattern text, s text [, ...]) → text


translate(s text, from text, to text) → text


translateUTF8(s text, from text, to text) → text


Type Conversion Functions​


toInt8(numeric or String) → Int8


toInt16(numeric or String) → Int16


toInt32(numeric or String) → Int32


toInt64(numeric or String) → Int64


toInt128(numeric or String) → Int128


toInt256(numeric or String) → Int256


toInt8OrZero(numeric or String) → Int8


toInt16OrZero(numeric or String) → Int16


toInt32OrZero(numeric or String) → Int32


toInt64OrZero(numeric or String) → Int64


toInt128OrZero(numeric or String) → Int128


toInt256OrZero(numeric or String) → Int256


toInt8OrNull(numeric or String) → Int8


toInt16OrNull(numeric or String) → Int16


toInt32OrNull(numeric or String) → Int32


toInt64OrNull(numeric or String) → Int64


toInt128OrNull(numeric or String) → Int128


toInt256OrNull(numeric or String) → Int256


toInt8OrDefault(numeric or String, Int8) → Int8


toInt16OrDefault(numeric or String, Int16) → Int16


toInt32OrDefault(numeric or String, Int32) → Int32


toInt64OrDefault(numeric or String, Int64) → Int64


toInt128OrDefault(numeric or String, Int128) → Int128


toInt256OrDefault(numeric or String, Int256) → Int256


toUInt8(numeric or String) → UInt8


toUInt16(numeric or String) → UInt16


toUInt32(numeric or String) → UInt32


toUInt64(numeric or String) → UInt64


toUInt128(numeric or String) → UInt128


toUInt256(numeric or String) → UInt256


toUInt8OrZero(numeric or String) → UInt8


toUInt16OrZero(numeric or String) → UInt16


toUInt32OrZero(numeric or String) → UInt32


toUInt64OrZero(numeric or String) → UInt64


toUInt128OrZero(numeric or String) → UInt128


toUInt256OrZero(numeric or String) → UInt256


toUInt8OrNull(numeric or String) → UInt8


toUInt16OrNull(numeric or String) → UInt16


toUInt32OrNull(numeric or String) → UInt32


toUInt64OrNull(numeric or String) → UInt64


toUInt128OrNull(numeric or String) → UInt128


toUInt256OrNull(numeric or String) → UInt256


toUInt8OrDefault(numeric or String, U Int8) → UInt8


toUInt16OrDefault(numeric or String, UInt16) → UInt16


toUInt32OrDefault(numeric or String, UInt32) → UInt32


toUInt64OrDefault(numeric or String, UInt64) → UInt64


toUInt128OrDefault(numeric or String, U Int128) → UInt128


toUInt256OrDefault(numeric or String, U Int256) → UInt256


toFloat32(numeric or String) → Float32


toFloat64(numeric or String) → Float64


toFloat32OrZero(numeric or String) → Float32


toFloat64OrZero(numeric or String) → Float64


toFloat32OrNull(numeric or String) → Float32


toFloat64OrNull(numeric or String) → Float64


toFloat32OrDefault(numeric or String, Float32) → Float32


toFloat64OrDefault(numeric or String, Float64) → Float64


toDate(any) → Date


toDateOrZero(any) → Date


toDateOrNull(any) → Date


toDateOrDefault(any [, Date]) → Date


toDateTime(any [, timezone text]) → DateTime


toDateTimeOrZero(any [, timezone text]) → DateTime


toDateTimeOrNull(any [, timezone text]) → DateTime


toDateTimeOrDefault(any [, timezone text] [, DateTime]) → DateTime


toDate32(any) → Date32


toDate32OrZero(any) → Date32


toDate32OrNull(any) → Date32


toDate32OrDefault(any [, Date32]) → Date32


toDateTime64(expr any, scale integer [, timezone text]) → DateTime64


toDateTime64OrZero(expr any, scale integer [, timezone text]) → DateTime64


toDateTime64OrNull(expr any, scale integer [, timezone text]) → DateTime64


toDateTime64OrDefault(expr any, scale integer [, timezone text] [, DateTime64]) → DateTime64


toDecimal32(value numeric or text, S numeric) → Decimal32


toDecimal64(value numeric or text, S numeric) → Decimal64


toDecimal128(value numeric or text, S numeric) → Decimal128


toDecimal256(value numeric or text, S numeric) → Decimal256


toDecimal32OrNull(expr text, S numeric) → Decimal32


toDecimal64OrNull(expr text, S numeric) → Decimal64


toDecimal128OrNull(expr text, S numeric) → Decimal128


toDecimal256OrNull(expr text, S numeric) → Decimal256


toDecimal32OrDefault(expr text, S numeric, Decimal32) → Decimal32


toDecimal64OrDefault(expr text, S numeric, Decimal64) → Decimal64


toDecimal128OrDefault(expr text, S numeric, Decimal128) → Decimal128


toDecimal256OrDefault(expr text, S numeric, Decimal256) → Decimal256


toDecimal32OrZero(expr text, S numeric) → Decimal32


toDecimal64OrZero(expr text, S numeric) → Decimal64


toDecimal128OrZero(expr text, S numeric) → Decimal128


toDecimal256OrZero(expr text, S numeric) → Decimal256


toString(any) → String


toFixedString(s String, N numeric) → FixedString


toStringCutToZero(s String or FixedString) → String


toDecimalString(number numeric, scale UInt8) → String


reinterpretAsUInt8(any) → UInt8


reinterpretAsUInt16(any) → UInt16


reinterpretAsUInt32(any) → UInt32


reinterpretAsUInt64(any) → UInt64


reinterpretAsInt8(any) → UInt8


reinterpretAsInt16(any) → UInt16


reinterpretAsInt32(any) → UInt32


reinterpretAsInt64(any) → UInt64


reinterpretAsFloat32(any) → Float32


reinterpretAsFloat64(any) → Float64


reinterpretAsDate(any) → Date


reinterpretAsDateTime(any) → DateTime


reinterpretAsString(any) → String


reinterpretAsFixedString(any) → FixedString


reinterpretAsUUID(Fixed String) → UUID


reinterpret(x any, type String) → any


cast(x any, T String) → String


CAST(x any, T String) → String


accurateCast(x any, T String) → any


accurateCastOrNull(x any, T String) → any


accurateCastOrDefault(x any, T String [, default_value any]) → any


toIntervalSecond(integer) → interval


toIntervalMinute(integer) → interval


toIntervalHour(integer) → interval


toIntervalDay(integer) → interval


toIntervalWeek(integer) → interval


toIntervalMonth(integer) → interval


toIntervalQuarter(integer) → interval


toIntervalYear(integer) → interval


parseDateTime(str text, format text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


TO_TIMESTAMP(str text, format text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTimeOrZero(str text, format text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTimeOrNull(str text, format text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


str_to_date(str text, format text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTimeInJodaSyntax(str text, format text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTimeInJodaSyntaxOrZero(str text, format text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTimeInJodaSyntaxOrNull(str text, format text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTimeBestEffort(time_string text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTimeBestEffortUS(time_string text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTimeBestEffortOrNull(time_string text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTime32BestEffortOrNull(time_string text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTimeBestEffortOrZero(time_string text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTime32BestEffortOrZero(time_string text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTimeBestEffortUSOrNull(time_string text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTimeBestEffortUSOrZero(time_string text [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTime64BestEffort(time_string text [, precision uint8] [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTime64BestEffortUS(time_string text [, precision uint8] [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTime64BestEffortOrNull(time_string text [, precision uint8] [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTime64BestEffortOrZero(time_string text [, precision uint8] [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTime64BestEffortUSOrNull(time_string text [, precision uint8] [, timezone text]) → timestamp


parseDateTime64BestEffortUSOrZero(time_string text [, precision uint8] [, timezone text]) → timestamp


toLowCardinality(expr any) → any


toUnixTimestamp64Milli(value DateTime64) → Int64


toUnixTimestamp64Micro(value DateTime64) → Int64


toUnixTimestamp64Nano(value DateTime64) → Int64


fromUnixTimestamp64Milli(value Int64) → DateTime64


fromUnixTimestamp64Micro(value Int64) → DateTime64


fromUnixTimestamp64Nano(value Int64) → DateTime64


formatRow(format String, x any, y any [, ...]) → String


formatRowNoNewline(format String, x any, y any [, ...]) → String


snowflakeToDateTime(value Int64 [, time_zone text]) → DateTime

snowflakeToDateTime(value Int64 [, time_zone text]) → DateTime64


dateTimeToSnowflake(value DateTime) → Int64

dateTimeToSnowflake(value DateTime64) → Int64


Aggregate Functions​


count(expr any) → integer

count() → integer

count(*) → integer


countIf(expr any, cond boolean) → integer

countIf(cond boolean) → integer

countIf(*, cond boolean) → integer


boundingRatio(numeric, numeric) → numeric


min(any) → any


minSimpleState(any) → any


minState(any) → any


minMerge(any) → any


max(any) → any


maxSimpleState(any) → any


maxState(any) → any


maxMerge(any) → any


sum(numeric) → numeric


sumIf(numeric, cond boolean) → numeric


sumSimpleState(numeric) → numeric


sumState(numeric) → numeric


sumMerge(numeric) → numeric


avg(x numeric) → float64


avgIf(x numeric, cond boolean) → float64


avgSimpleState(numeric) → numeric


avgState(numeric) → numeric


avgMerge(numeric) → numeric


any(any) → any


anySimpleState(any) → any


anyState(any) → any


anyMerge(any) → any


first_value(any) → any


last_value(any) → any


stddevPop(x numeric, y numeric) → float64


stddevPropStable(x numeric, y numeric) → float64


STD(x numeric, y numeric) → float64


STDDEV_POP(x numeric, y numeric) → float64


stddevSamp(expr numeric) → float64


stddevSampStable(expr numeric) → float64


varPop(x numeric, y numeric) → float64


varPopStable(x numeric, y numeric) → float64


varSamp(expr numeric) → float64


varSampStable(expr numeric) → float64


covarPop(x numeric, y numeric) → float64


covarPopStable(x numeric, y numeric) → float64


covarSamp(x numeric, y numeric) → float64


covarSampStable(x numeric, y numeric) → float64


anyHeavy(any) → any


anyLast(any) → any


argMax(arg any, val any) → any


argMin(arg any, val any) → any


avgWeighted(x numeric, weight numeric) → numeric


corr(x numeric, y numeric) → numeric


corrStable(x numeric, y numeric) → numeric


groupArrayIntersect(x any) → anyarray


groupBitAnd(expr numeric) → same as input type


groupBitOr(expr numeric) → same as input type


groupBitXor(expr numeric) → same as input type


groupBitmap(expr numeric) → same as input type


groupBitmapAnd(expr numeric) → same as input type


groupBitmapXor(expr numeric) → same as input type


sumWithOverflow(expr numeric) → same as input type


deltaSum(value numeric) → same as input type


deltaSumTimestamp(value numeric, timestamp numeric or date or timestamp) → numeric


rankCorr(x numeric, y numeric) → numeric


sumKahan(numeric) → same as input type


intervalLengthSum(start numeric, end numeric) → numeric


skewPop(expr numeric) → float64


skewSamp(expr numeric) → float64


kurtPop(expr numeric) → float64


kurtSamp(expr numeric) → float64


uniq(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqSimpleState(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqState(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqMerge(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqExact(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqExactSimpleState(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqExactState(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqExactMerge(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqCombinedSimpleState(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqCombinedState(HLL_precision integer, expr any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqCombinedMerge(HLL_precision integer, expr any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqCombined64SimpleState(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqCombined64State(HLL_precision integer, expr any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqCombined64Merge(HLL_precision integer, expr any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqHLL12(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqHLL12SimpleState(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqHLL12State(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqHLL12Merge(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqTheta(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqThetaSimpleState(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqThetaState(x any [, ...]) → uint64


uniqThetaMerge(x any [, ...]) → uint64


quantileSimpleState(level numeric, expr numeric or date or timestamp) → any


quantileState(level numeric, expr numeric or date or timestamp) → any


quantileMerge(level numeric, expr numeric or date or timestamp) → any


UUID Functions​


generateUUIDv4(x any) → uuid


empty(uuid uuid) → boolean


notEmpty(uuid uuid) → boolean


toUUID(x text) → uuid


toUUIDOrDefault(x text, default uuid) → uuid


toUUIDOrNull(x text) → uuid


toUUIDOrZero(x text) → uuid


UUIDStringToNum(text [, variant integer]) → text


UUIDNumToString(text [, variant integer]) → text
