AddColumnToDataPoolJob scheduled for a specific Data Pool.
The Add Column Job represents the asynchronous process of adding a column, given its name and type, to a Data Pool. It tracks the process of adding a column until it is finished, showing the progress and the outcome when it is finished.
id non-null ID
The AddColumnToDataPoolJob's ID.
createdAt non-null DateTime
The AddColumnToDataPoolJob's creation date and time in UTC.
createdBy non-null String
Who created the AddColumnToDataPoolJob.
modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The AddColumnToDataPoolJob's last modification date and time in UTC.
modifiedBy non-null String
Who modified the AddColumnToDataPoolJob last.
account non-null Account
Account to which the AddColumnToDataPoolJob belongs.
environment non-null Environment
Environment to which the AddColumnToDataPoolJob belongs.
The Environments object.
Environments are independent and isolated Propel workspaces for development, staging (testing), and production workloads. Environments are hosted in a specific region, initially in us-east-2 only.
environment.id non-null ID
The Environment's unique identifier.
dataPool non-null DataPool
The Data Pool to which a column will be added by the Job.
The Data Pool object. Data Pools are Propel's high-speed data store and cache
dataPool.id non-null ID
The Data Pool's unique identifier.
dataPool.uniqueName non-null String
The Data Pool's unique name.
dataPool.description non-null String
The Data Pool's description.
dataPool.account non-null Account
The Data Pool's Account.
dataPool.environment non-null Environment
The Data Pool's Environment.
dataPool.createdAt non-null DateTime
The Data Pool's creation date and time in UTC.
dataPool.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The Data Pool's last modification date and time in UTC.
dataPool.createdBy non-null String
The Data Pool's creator. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
dataPool.modifiedBy non-null String
The Data Pool's last modifier. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was modified by Propel.
dataPool.dataSource non-null DataSource
The Data Pool's Data Source.
dataPool.status non-null DataPoolStatus
The Data Pool's status.
The status of a Data Pool.
The Data Pool has been created and will be set up soon.
Propel is attempting to set up the Data Pool.
The Data Pool is set up and serving data. Check its Syncs to monitor data ingestion.
The Data Pool setup failed. Check its Setup Tasks before re-attempting setup.
Propel is deleting the Data Pool and all of its associated data.
dataPool.dataRetentionInDays non-null Int
The Data Pool's data retention in days (not yet supported).
dataPool.table non-null String
The name of the Data Pool's table.
dataPool.timestamp nullable Timestamp
The Data Pool's primary timestamp column, if any.
dataPool.recordCount nullable String
The number of records in the Data Pool.
dataPool.sizeInTerabytes nullable Float
The amount of storage in terabytes used by the Data Pool.
dataPool.columns nullable DataPoolColumnConnection
The Data Pool's columns.
dataPool.availableMeasures nullable DataPoolColumnConnection
The list of measures (numeric columns) in the Data Pool.
dataPool.setupTasks nullable array of DataPoolSetupTask
A list of setup tasks performed on the Data Pool during its most recent setup attempt.
dataPool.syncing non-null DataPoolSyncing
Settings related to Data Pool syncing.
dataPool.syncs nullable SyncConnection
The list of Syncs of the Data Pool.
dataPool.metrics nullable MetricConnection
The list of Metrics powered by the Data Pool.
dataPool.deletionJobs nullable DeletionJobConnection
The Deletion Jobs that were historically issued to this Data Pool, sorted by creation time, in descending order.
dataPool.addColumnToDataPoolJobs nullable AddColumnToDataPoolJobConnection
The Add Column Jobs that were historically issued to this Data Pool, sorted by creation time, in descending order.
dataPool.updateDataPoolRecordsJobs nullable UpdateDataPoolRecordsJobConnection
The UpdateDataPoolRecords Jobs that were historically issued to this Data Pool, sorted by creation time, in descending order.
dataPool.accessControlEnabled non-null Boolean
Whether the Data Pool has access control enabled or not.
If the Data Pool has access control enabled, Applications must be assigned Data Pool Access Policies in order to query the Data Pool and its Metrics.
dataPool.dataPoolAccessPolicies non-null DataPoolAccessPolicyConnection
A paginated list of Data Pool Access Policies available on the Data Pool.
dataPool.validateExpression non-null ValidateExpressionResult
Validates a custom expression against the Data Pool's available columns. If the provided expression is invalid, the ValidateExpressionResult response will contain a reason explaining why.
dataPool.tableSettings non-null TableSettings
The Data Pool's table settings.
dataPool.partitionByColumns nullable array of DataPoolColumn
The Data Pool's columns that participate in its PARTITION BY clause.
dataPool.primaryKeyColumns nullable array of DataPoolColumn
The Data Pool's columns that participate in its PRIMARY KEY clause.
dataPool.orderByColumns nullable array of DataPoolColumn
The Data Pool's columns that participate in its ORDER BY clause.
status non-null JobStatus
The current AddColumnToDataPoolJob's status.
The Job was created, but is not yet being executed.
The Job is executing.
The Job succeeded.
The Job failed. Check the error message.
columnName non-null String
Name of the new column.
columnType non-null ColumnType
Type of the new column.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
jsonProperty nullable String
JSON property to which the new column corresponds.
error nullable Error
The error that occurred while adding the column data, if any.
progress non-null Float
The current progress of the AddColumnToDataPool Job, from 0.0 to 1.0.
startedAt nullable DateTime
The time at which the AddColumnToDataPool Job started.
succeededAt nullable DateTime
The time at which the AddColumnToDataPool Job succeeded.
failedAt nullable DateTime
The time at which the AddColumnToDataPool Job failed.
The Add column to Data Pool Job connection object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
edges non-null array of AddColumnToDataPoolJobEdge
The Add column to Data Pool Job connection's edges.
The Add column to Data Pool Job edge object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
edges.cursor non-null String
The edge's cursor.
edges.node non-null AddColumnToDataPoolJob
The edge's node.
nodes non-null array of AddColumnToDataPoolJob
The Add column to Data Pool Job connection's nodes.
AddColumnToDataPoolJob scheduled for a specific Data Pool.
The Add Column Job represents the asynchronous process of adding a column, given its name and type, to a Data Pool. It tracks the process of adding a column until it is finished, showing the progress and the outcome when it is finished.
nodes.id non-null ID
The AddColumnToDataPoolJob's ID.
nodes.createdAt non-null DateTime
The AddColumnToDataPoolJob's creation date and time in UTC.
nodes.createdBy non-null String
Who created the AddColumnToDataPoolJob.
nodes.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The AddColumnToDataPoolJob's last modification date and time in UTC.
nodes.modifiedBy non-null String
Who modified the AddColumnToDataPoolJob last.
nodes.account non-null Account
Account to which the AddColumnToDataPoolJob belongs.
nodes.environment non-null Environment
Environment to which the AddColumnToDataPoolJob belongs.
nodes.dataPool non-null DataPool
The Data Pool to which a column will be added by the Job.
nodes.status non-null JobStatus
The current AddColumnToDataPoolJob's status.
The Job was created, but is not yet being executed.
The Job is executing.
The Job succeeded.
The Job failed. Check the error message.
nodes.columnName non-null String
Name of the new column.
nodes.columnType non-null ColumnType
Type of the new column.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
nodes.jsonProperty nullable String
JSON property to which the new column corresponds.
nodes.error nullable Error
The error that occurred while adding the column data, if any.
nodes.progress non-null Float
The current progress of the AddColumnToDataPool Job, from 0.0 to 1.0.
nodes.startedAt nullable DateTime
The time at which the AddColumnToDataPool Job started.
nodes.succeededAt nullable DateTime
The time at which the AddColumnToDataPool Job succeeded.
nodes.failedAt nullable DateTime
The time at which the AddColumnToDataPool Job failed.
pageInfo non-null PageInfo
The Add column to Data Pool Job connection's page info.
The page info object used for pagination.
pageInfo.startCursor nullable String
Points to the first item returned in the results. Used when paginating backward.
pageInfo.endCursor nullable String
Points to the last item returned in the results. Used when paginating forward.
pageInfo.hasNextPage non-null Boolean
A boolean that indicates whether a next page of results exists. Can be used to display a "next page" button in user interfaces, for example.
pageInfo.hasPreviousPage non-null Boolean
A boolean that indicates whether a previous page of results exists. Can be used to display a "previous page" button in user interfaces, for example.
The Add column to Data Pool Job edge object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
cursor non-null String
The edge's cursor.
node non-null AddColumnToDataPoolJob
The edge's node.
AddColumnToDataPoolJob scheduled for a specific Data Pool.
The Add Column Job represents the asynchronous process of adding a column, given its name and type, to a Data Pool. It tracks the process of adding a column until it is finished, showing the progress and the outcome when it is finished.
node.id non-null ID
The AddColumnToDataPoolJob's ID.
node.createdAt non-null DateTime
The AddColumnToDataPoolJob's creation date and time in UTC.
node.createdBy non-null String
Who created the AddColumnToDataPoolJob.
node.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The AddColumnToDataPoolJob's last modification date and time in UTC.
node.modifiedBy non-null String
Who modified the AddColumnToDataPoolJob last.
node.account non-null Account
Account to which the AddColumnToDataPoolJob belongs.
node.environment non-null Environment
Environment to which the AddColumnToDataPoolJob belongs.
node.dataPool non-null DataPool
The Data Pool to which a column will be added by the Job.
node.status non-null JobStatus
The current AddColumnToDataPoolJob's status.
The Job was created, but is not yet being executed.
The Job is executing.
The Job succeeded.
The Job failed. Check the error message.
node.columnName non-null String
Name of the new column.
node.columnType non-null ColumnType
Type of the new column.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
node.jsonProperty nullable String
JSON property to which the new column corresponds.
node.error nullable Error
The error that occurred while adding the column data, if any.
node.progress non-null Float
The current progress of the AddColumnToDataPool Job, from 0.0 to 1.0.
node.startedAt nullable DateTime
The time at which the AddColumnToDataPool Job started.
node.succeededAt nullable DateTime
The time at which the AddColumnToDataPool Job succeeded.
node.failedAt nullable DateTime
The time at which the AddColumnToDataPool Job failed.
The response returned by the Add Column Job.
job non-null AddColumnToDataPoolJob
The AddColumnToDataPool Job that was just created.
AddColumnToDataPoolJob scheduled for a specific Data Pool.
The Add Column Job represents the asynchronous process of adding a column, given its name and type, to a Data Pool. It tracks the process of adding a column until it is finished, showing the progress and the outcome when it is finished.
job.id non-null ID
The AddColumnToDataPoolJob's ID.
job.createdAt non-null DateTime
The AddColumnToDataPoolJob's creation date and time in UTC.
job.createdBy non-null String
Who created the AddColumnToDataPoolJob.
job.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The AddColumnToDataPoolJob's last modification date and time in UTC.
job.modifiedBy non-null String
Who modified the AddColumnToDataPoolJob last.
job.account non-null Account
Account to which the AddColumnToDataPoolJob belongs.
job.environment non-null Environment
Environment to which the AddColumnToDataPoolJob belongs.
job.dataPool non-null DataPool
The Data Pool to which a column will be added by the Job.
job.status non-null JobStatus
The current AddColumnToDataPoolJob's status.
The Job was created, but is not yet being executed.
The Job is executing.
The Job succeeded.
The Job failed. Check the error message.
job.columnName non-null String
Name of the new column.
job.columnType non-null ColumnType
Type of the new column.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
job.jsonProperty nullable String
JSON property to which the new column corresponds.
job.error nullable Error
The error that occurred while adding the column data, if any.
job.progress non-null Float
The current progress of the AddColumnToDataPool Job, from 0.0 to 1.0.
job.startedAt nullable DateTime
The time at which the AddColumnToDataPool Job started.
job.succeededAt nullable DateTime
The time at which the AddColumnToDataPool Job succeeded.
job.failedAt nullable DateTime
The time at which the AddColumnToDataPool Job failed.
Parameters for the AggregatingMergeTree table engine.
type non-null TableEngineType
The type is always
.ClickHouse table engine types.
The MergeTree table engine.
The ReplacingMergeTree table engine.
The SummingMergeTree table engine.
The AggregatingMergeTree table engine.
The Application object.
Propel Applications represent the web or mobile app you are building. They provide the API credentials that allow your client- or server-side app to access the Propel API. The Application's Propeller determines the speed and cost of your Metric Queries.
Learn more about Applications.
id non-null ID
The Application's unique identifier.
uniqueName non-null String
The Application's unique name.
description non-null String
The Application's description.
account non-null Account
The Application's Account.
environment non-null Environment
The Application's Environment.
The Environments object.
Environments are independent and isolated Propel workspaces for development, staging (testing), and production workloads. Environments are hosted in a specific region, initially in us-east-2 only.
environment.id non-null ID
The Environment's unique identifier.
createdAt non-null DateTime
The Application's creation date and time in UTC.
modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The Application's last modification date and time in UTC.
createdBy non-null String
The Application's creator. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
modifiedBy non-null String
The Application's last modifier. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was modified by Propel.
clientId non-null String
The Application's OAuth 2.0 client identifier.
secret nullable String
The Application's OAuth 2.0 client secret.
propeller non-null Propeller
The Application's Propeller.
A Propeller determines your Application's query processing power. The larger the Propeller, the faster the queries and the higher the cost. Every Propel Application (and therefore every set of API credentials) has a Propeller that determines the speed and cost of queries.
Learn more about Data Sources.
Max records per second: 5,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 25,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 100,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 250,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 500,000,000 records per second
scopes non-null array of ApplicationScope
The Application's OAuth 2.0 scopes.
The API operations an Application is authorized to perform.
Grant read/write access to Data Sources, Data Pools, Metrics and Policies.
Grant read/write access to Applications.
Grant read access to query Data Pools.
Grant read access to read Data Pools.
Grant read access to fetch column statistics from Data Pools.
Grant read access to query Metrics.
Grant read access to fetch Dimension statistics from Metrics.
Grant read access to Metrics.
This does not allow querying Metrics. For that, see
dataPoolAccessPolicies non-null DataPoolAccessPolicyConnection
A paginated list of Data Pool Access Policies associated with the Application.
The Data Pool Access Policy connection object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
dataPoolAccessPolicies.edges non-null array of DataPoolAccessPolicyEdge
The Data Pool Access Policy connection's edges.
dataPoolAccessPolicies.nodes non-null array of DataPoolAccessPolicy
The Data Pool Access Policy connection's nodes.
dataPoolAccessPolicies.pageInfo non-null PageInfo
The Data Pool Access Policy connection's page info.
The Application connection object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
edges non-null array of ApplicationEdge
The Application connection's edges.
The Application edge object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
edges.cursor non-null String
The edge's cursor.
edges.node non-null Application
The edge's node.
nodes non-null array of Application
The Application connection's nodes.
The Application object.
Propel Applications represent the web or mobile app you are building. They provide the API credentials that allow your client- or server-side app to access the Propel API. The Application's Propeller determines the speed and cost of your Metric Queries.
Learn more about Applications.
nodes.id non-null ID
The Application's unique identifier.
nodes.uniqueName non-null String
The Application's unique name.
nodes.description non-null String
The Application's description.
nodes.account non-null Account
The Application's Account.
nodes.environment non-null Environment
The Application's Environment.
nodes.createdAt non-null DateTime
The Application's creation date and time in UTC.
nodes.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The Application's last modification date and time in UTC.
nodes.createdBy non-null String
The Application's creator. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
nodes.modifiedBy non-null String
The Application's last modifier. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was modified by Propel.
nodes.clientId non-null String
The Application's OAuth 2.0 client identifier.
nodes.secret nullable String
The Application's OAuth 2.0 client secret.
nodes.propeller non-null Propeller
The Application's Propeller.
A Propeller determines your Application's query processing power. The larger the Propeller, the faster the queries and the higher the cost. Every Propel Application (and therefore every set of API credentials) has a Propeller that determines the speed and cost of queries.
Learn more about Data Sources.
Max records per second: 5,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 25,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 100,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 250,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 500,000,000 records per second
nodes.scopes non-null array of ApplicationScope
The Application's OAuth 2.0 scopes.
The API operations an Application is authorized to perform.
Grant read/write access to Data Sources, Data Pools, Metrics and Policies.
Grant read/write access to Applications.
Grant read access to query Data Pools.
Grant read access to read Data Pools.
Grant read access to fetch column statistics from Data Pools.
Grant read access to query Metrics.
Grant read access to fetch Dimension statistics from Metrics.
Grant read access to Metrics.
This does not allow querying Metrics. For that, see
nodes.dataPoolAccessPolicies non-null DataPoolAccessPolicyConnection
A paginated list of Data Pool Access Policies associated with the Application.
pageInfo non-null PageInfo
The Application connection's page info.
The page info object used for pagination.
pageInfo.startCursor nullable String
Points to the first item returned in the results. Used when paginating backward.
pageInfo.endCursor nullable String
Points to the last item returned in the results. Used when paginating forward.
pageInfo.hasNextPage non-null Boolean
A boolean that indicates whether a next page of results exists. Can be used to display a "next page" button in user interfaces, for example.
pageInfo.hasPreviousPage non-null Boolean
A boolean that indicates whether a previous page of results exists. Can be used to display a "previous page" button in user interfaces, for example.
The Application edge object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
cursor non-null String
The edge's cursor.
node non-null Application
The edge's node.
The Application object.
Propel Applications represent the web or mobile app you are building. They provide the API credentials that allow your client- or server-side app to access the Propel API. The Application's Propeller determines the speed and cost of your Metric Queries.
Learn more about Applications.
node.id non-null ID
The Application's unique identifier.
node.uniqueName non-null String
The Application's unique name.
node.description non-null String
The Application's description.
node.account non-null Account
The Application's Account.
node.environment non-null Environment
The Application's Environment.
node.createdAt non-null DateTime
The Application's creation date and time in UTC.
node.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The Application's last modification date and time in UTC.
node.createdBy non-null String
The Application's creator. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
node.modifiedBy non-null String
The Application's last modifier. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was modified by Propel.
node.clientId non-null String
The Application's OAuth 2.0 client identifier.
node.secret nullable String
The Application's OAuth 2.0 client secret.
node.propeller non-null Propeller
The Application's Propeller.
A Propeller determines your Application's query processing power. The larger the Propeller, the faster the queries and the higher the cost. Every Propel Application (and therefore every set of API credentials) has a Propeller that determines the speed and cost of queries.
Learn more about Data Sources.
Max records per second: 5,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 25,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 100,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 250,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 500,000,000 records per second
node.scopes non-null array of ApplicationScope
The Application's OAuth 2.0 scopes.
The API operations an Application is authorized to perform.
Grant read/write access to Data Sources, Data Pools, Metrics and Policies.
Grant read/write access to Applications.
Grant read access to query Data Pools.
Grant read access to read Data Pools.
Grant read access to fetch column statistics from Data Pools.
Grant read access to query Metrics.
Grant read access to fetch Dimension statistics from Metrics.
Grant read access to Metrics.
This does not allow querying Metrics. For that, see
node.dataPoolAccessPolicies non-null DataPoolAccessPolicyConnection
A paginated list of Data Pool Access Policies associated with the Application.
The result of a mutation which creates or modifies an Application.
application nullable Application
The Application which was created or modified.
The Application object.
Propel Applications represent the web or mobile app you are building. They provide the API credentials that allow your client- or server-side app to access the Propel API. The Application's Propeller determines the speed and cost of your Metric Queries.
Learn more about Applications.
application.id non-null ID
The Application's unique identifier.
application.uniqueName non-null String
The Application's unique name.
application.description non-null String
The Application's description.
application.account non-null Account
The Application's Account.
application.environment non-null Environment
The Application's Environment.
application.createdAt non-null DateTime
The Application's creation date and time in UTC.
application.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The Application's last modification date and time in UTC.
application.createdBy non-null String
The Application's creator. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
application.modifiedBy non-null String
The Application's last modifier. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was modified by Propel.
application.clientId non-null String
The Application's OAuth 2.0 client identifier.
application.secret nullable String
The Application's OAuth 2.0 client secret.
application.propeller non-null Propeller
The Application's Propeller.
A Propeller determines your Application's query processing power. The larger the Propeller, the faster the queries and the higher the cost. Every Propel Application (and therefore every set of API credentials) has a Propeller that determines the speed and cost of queries.
Learn more about Data Sources.
Max records per second: 5,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 25,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 100,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 250,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 500,000,000 records per second
application.scopes non-null array of ApplicationScope
The Application's OAuth 2.0 scopes.
The API operations an Application is authorized to perform.
Grant read/write access to Data Sources, Data Pools, Metrics and Policies.
Grant read/write access to Applications.
Grant read access to query Data Pools.
Grant read access to read Data Pools.
Grant read access to fetch column statistics from Data Pools.
Grant read access to query Metrics.
Grant read access to fetch Dimension statistics from Metrics.
Grant read access to Metrics.
This does not allow querying Metrics. For that, see
application.dataPoolAccessPolicies non-null DataPoolAccessPolicyConnection
A paginated list of Data Pool Access Policies associated with the Application.
Settings for Average Metrics.
filterSql nullable String
Metric Filters allow defining a Metric with a subset of records from the given Data Pool. If no Metric Filters are present, all records will be included. To filter at query time, add Dimensions and use the
property on thetimeSeriesInput
, orleaderboardInput
objects. There is no need to addfilters
to be able to filter at query time.You can provide the filters in the form of SQL.
measure non-null Dimension
The Dimension to be averaged.
Boosters allow you to optimize Metric Queries for a subset of commonly used Dimensions. A Metric can have one or many Boosters to optimize for the different Query patterns.
Boosters can be understood as an aggregating index. The index is formed from left to right as follows:
- The Data Pool's Tenant ID column (if present)
- Metric Filter columns (if present)
- Query Filter Dimensions (see
) - The Data Pool's timestamp column
id non-null ID
The Booster's unique identifier.
account non-null Account
The Booster's Account.
environment non-null Environment
The Booster's Environment.
The Environments object.
Environments are independent and isolated Propel workspaces for development, staging (testing), and production workloads. Environments are hosted in a specific region, initially in us-east-2 only.
environment.id non-null ID
The Environment's unique identifier.
createdAt non-null DateTime
The Booster's creation date and time in UTC.
modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The Booster's last modification date and time in UTC.
createdBy non-null String
The Booster's creator. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
modifiedBy non-null String
The Booster's last modifier. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was modified by Propel.
metric non-null Metric
The Metric this Booster is associated to.
The Metric object.
A Metric is a business indicator measured over time.
metric.id non-null ID
The Metric's unique identifier.
metric.uniqueName non-null String
The Metric's unique name.
metric.description non-null String
The Metric's description.
metric.account non-null Account
The Metric's Account.
metric.environment non-null Environment
The Metric's Environment.
metric.createdAt non-null DateTime
The Metric's creation date and time in UTC.
metric.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The Metric's last modification date and time in UTC.
metric.createdBy non-null String
The Metric's creator. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
metric.modifiedBy non-null String
The Metric's last modifier. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was modified by Propel.
metric.dataPool nullable DataPool
The Data Pool that powers this Metric.
metric.dimensions non-null array of Dimension
The Metric's Dimensions. These Dimensions are available to Query Filters.
metric.timestamp nullable Dimension
The Metric's timestamp, if any. This is the same as its Data Pool's timestamp, if any.
metric.boosters non-null BoosterConnection
List the Boosters associated to the Metric.
metric.type non-null MetricType
The Metric's type. The different Metric types determine how the values are calculated.
The available Metric types.
Counts the number of records that matches the Metric Filters. For time series, it will count the values for each time granularity.
Sums the values of the specified column for every record that matches the Metric Filters. For time series, it will sum the values for each time granularity.
Counts the number of distinct values in the specified column for every record that matches the Metric Filters. For time series, it will count the distinct values for each time granularity.
Averages the values of the specified column for every record that matches the Metric Filters. For time series, it will average the values for each time granularity.
Selects the minimum value of the specified column for every record that matches the Metric Filters. For time series, it will select the minimum value for each time granularity.
Selects the maximum value of the specified column for every record that matches the Metric Filters. For time series, it will select the maximum value for each time granularity.
Aggregates values based on the provided custom expression.
metric.settings non-null MetricSettings
The settings for the Metric. The settings are specific to the Metric's type.
- CountMetricSettings
- SumMetricSettings
- CountDistinctMetricSettings
- AverageMetricSettings
- MinMetricSettings
- MaxMetricSettings
- CustomMetricSettings
status non-null BoosterStatus
The status of the Booster (once LIVE it will be available for speeding up Metric queries).
The Booster status.
The Booster has been created. Propel will start optimizing the Data Pool soon.
Propel is setting up the Booster and optimizing the Data Pool.
The Booster is now live and available to speed up Metric queries.
Propel failed to setup the Booster. Please write to support. Alternatively, you can delete the Booster and try again.
Propel is deleting the Booster and all of its associated data.
error nullable Error
If the Booster fails during the optimization process, this field includes a descriptive error message.
progress nullable Float
When the Booster is OPTIMIZING, this represents its progress as a number from 0 to 1. In all other states, progress is null.
dimensions non-null array of Dimension
Dimensions included in the Booster.
The Dimension object that represents a column in a table.
dimensions.columnName non-null String
The column name it represents.
dimensions.type non-null String
The column data type.
dimensions.isNullable nullable Boolean
Whether the column is nullable.
recordCount nullable String
The number of records in the Booster.
sizeInTerabytes nullable Float
The amount of storage in terabytes used by the Booster.
The Booster connection object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
edges non-null array of BoosterEdge
The Booster connection's edges.
The Booster edge object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
nodes non-null array of Booster
The Booster connection's nodes.
Boosters allow you to optimize Metric Queries for a subset of commonly used Dimensions. A Metric can have one or many Boosters to optimize for the different Query patterns.
Boosters can be understood as an aggregating index. The index is formed from left to right as follows:
- The Data Pool's Tenant ID column (if present)
- Metric Filter columns (if present)
- Query Filter Dimensions (see
) - The Data Pool's timestamp column
nodes.id non-null ID
The Booster's unique identifier.
nodes.account non-null Account
The Booster's Account.
nodes.environment non-null Environment
The Booster's Environment.
nodes.createdAt non-null DateTime
The Booster's creation date and time in UTC.
nodes.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The Booster's last modification date and time in UTC.
nodes.createdBy non-null String
The Booster's creator. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
nodes.modifiedBy non-null String
The Booster's last modifier. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was modified by Propel.
nodes.metric non-null Metric
The Metric this Booster is associated to.
nodes.status non-null BoosterStatus
The status of the Booster (once LIVE it will be available for speeding up Metric queries).
The Booster status.
The Booster has been created. Propel will start optimizing the Data Pool soon.
Propel is setting up the Booster and optimizing the Data Pool.
The Booster is now live and available to speed up Metric queries.
Propel failed to setup the Booster. Please write to support. Alternatively, you can delete the Booster and try again.
Propel is deleting the Booster and all of its associated data.
nodes.error nullable Error
If the Booster fails during the optimization process, this field includes a descriptive error message.
nodes.progress nullable Float
When the Booster is OPTIMIZING, this represents its progress as a number from 0 to 1. In all other states, progress is null.
nodes.dimensions non-null array of Dimension
Dimensions included in the Booster.
nodes.recordCount nullable String
The number of records in the Booster.
nodes.sizeInTerabytes nullable Float
The amount of storage in terabytes used by the Booster.
pageInfo non-null PageInfo
The Booster connection's page info.
The page info object used for pagination.
pageInfo.startCursor nullable String
Points to the first item returned in the results. Used when paginating backward.
pageInfo.endCursor nullable String
Points to the last item returned in the results. Used when paginating forward.
pageInfo.hasNextPage non-null Boolean
A boolean that indicates whether a next page of results exists. Can be used to display a "next page" button in user interfaces, for example.
pageInfo.hasPreviousPage non-null Boolean
A boolean that indicates whether a previous page of results exists. Can be used to display a "previous page" button in user interfaces, for example.
The Booster edge object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
cursor non-null String
The edge's cursor.
node non-null Booster
The edge's node.
Boosters allow you to optimize Metric Queries for a subset of commonly used Dimensions. A Metric can have one or many Boosters to optimize for the different Query patterns.
Boosters can be understood as an aggregating index. The index is formed from left to right as follows:
- The Data Pool's Tenant ID column (if present)
- Metric Filter columns (if present)
- Query Filter Dimensions (see
) - The Data Pool's timestamp column
node.id non-null ID
The Booster's unique identifier.
node.account non-null Account
The Booster's Account.
node.environment non-null Environment
The Booster's Environment.
node.createdAt non-null DateTime
The Booster's creation date and time in UTC.
node.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The Booster's last modification date and time in UTC.
node.createdBy non-null String
The Booster's creator. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
node.modifiedBy non-null String
The Booster's last modifier. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was modified by Propel.
node.metric non-null Metric
The Metric this Booster is associated to.
node.status non-null BoosterStatus
The status of the Booster (once LIVE it will be available for speeding up Metric queries).
The Booster status.
The Booster has been created. Propel will start optimizing the Data Pool soon.
Propel is setting up the Booster and optimizing the Data Pool.
The Booster is now live and available to speed up Metric queries.
Propel failed to setup the Booster. Please write to support. Alternatively, you can delete the Booster and try again.
Propel is deleting the Booster and all of its associated data.
node.error nullable Error
If the Booster fails during the optimization process, this field includes a descriptive error message.
node.progress nullable Float
When the Booster is OPTIMIZING, this represents its progress as a number from 0 to 1. In all other states, progress is null.
node.dimensions non-null array of Dimension
Dimensions included in the Booster.
node.recordCount nullable String
The number of records in the Booster.
node.sizeInTerabytes nullable Float
The amount of storage in terabytes used by the Booster.
The result of a mutation which creates or modifies a Booster.
booster nullable Booster
The Booster which was created or modified.
Boosters allow you to optimize Metric Queries for a subset of commonly used Dimensions. A Metric can have one or many Boosters to optimize for the different Query patterns.
Boosters can be understood as an aggregating index. The index is formed from left to right as follows:
- The Data Pool's Tenant ID column (if present)
- Metric Filter columns (if present)
- Query Filter Dimensions (see
) - The Data Pool's timestamp column
booster.id non-null ID
The Booster's unique identifier.
booster.account non-null Account
The Booster's Account.
booster.environment non-null Environment
The Booster's Environment.
booster.createdAt non-null DateTime
The Booster's creation date and time in UTC.
booster.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The Booster's last modification date and time in UTC.
booster.createdBy non-null String
The Booster's creator. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
booster.modifiedBy non-null String
The Booster's last modifier. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was modified by Propel.
booster.metric non-null Metric
The Metric this Booster is associated to.
booster.status non-null BoosterStatus
The status of the Booster (once LIVE it will be available for speeding up Metric queries).
The Booster status.
The Booster has been created. Propel will start optimizing the Data Pool soon.
Propel is setting up the Booster and optimizing the Data Pool.
The Booster is now live and available to speed up Metric queries.
Propel failed to setup the Booster. Please write to support. Alternatively, you can delete the Booster and try again.
Propel is deleting the Booster and all of its associated data.
booster.error nullable Error
If the Booster fails during the optimization process, this field includes a descriptive error message.
booster.progress nullable Float
When the Booster is OPTIMIZING, this represents its progress as a number from 0 to 1. In all other states, progress is null.
booster.dimensions non-null array of Dimension
Dimensions included in the Booster.
booster.recordCount nullable String
The number of records in the Booster.
booster.sizeInTerabytes nullable Float
The amount of storage in terabytes used by the Booster.
The ClickHouse Data Source connection settings.
database non-null String
Which database to connect to
password non-null String
The password for the provided user
readonly nullable Boolean
Whether the user has readonly permissions or not for querying ClickHouse
url non-null String
The URL where the ClickHouse host is listening to HTTP[S] connections
user non-null String
The user for authenticating against the ClickHouse host
The column object.
Once a table introspection succeeds, it creates a new table object for every table it introspected. Within each table object, it also creates a column object for every column it introspected.
name non-null String
The column's name.
type non-null String
The column's type.
isNullable nullable Boolean
Whether the column is nullable, meaning whether it accepts a null value.
cachedAt non-null DateTime
The time at which the column was cached (i.e., the time at which it was introspected).
createdAt non-null DateTime
The time at which the column was created. This is the same as its
time.createdBy non-null String
The column's creator. This corresponds to the initiator of the table introspection. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
suggestedDataPoolColumnType nullable ColumnType
This is the suggested Data Pool column type to use when converting this Data Source column to a Data Pool column. Propel makes this suggestion based on the Data Source column type. If the Data Source column type is unsupported, this field returns
.Sometimes, you know better which Data Pool column type to convert to. In these cases, you can refer to
for the full set of supported conversions.The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
supportedDataPoolColumnTypes non-null array of ColumnType
This is the set of supported Data Pool column types you can use when converting this Data Source column to a Data Pool column. If the Data Source column type is unsupported, this field returns an empty array.
For example, a numeric Data Source column type could be converted to a narrower or wider numeric Data Pool column type; a string-valued Data Source column type could be mapped to a date or timestamp Data Pool column type.
To learn more about the supported conversions, refer to the docs for your particular Data Source.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
The column connection object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
cachedAt non-null DateTime
The time at which the columns were cached (i.e., the time at which they were introspected).
edges non-null array of ColumnEdge
The column connection's edges.
The column edge object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
nodes non-null array of Column
The column connection's nodes.
The column object.
Once a table introspection succeeds, it creates a new table object for every table it introspected. Within each table object, it also creates a column object for every column it introspected.
nodes.name non-null String
The column's name.
nodes.type non-null String
The column's type.
nodes.isNullable nullable Boolean
Whether the column is nullable, meaning whether it accepts a null value.
nodes.cachedAt non-null DateTime
The time at which the column was cached (i.e., the time at which it was introspected).
nodes.createdAt non-null DateTime
The time at which the column was created. This is the same as its
time.nodes.createdBy non-null String
The column's creator. This corresponds to the initiator of the table introspection. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
nodes.suggestedDataPoolColumnType nullable ColumnType
This is the suggested Data Pool column type to use when converting this Data Source column to a Data Pool column. Propel makes this suggestion based on the Data Source column type. If the Data Source column type is unsupported, this field returns
.Sometimes, you know better which Data Pool column type to convert to. In these cases, you can refer to
for the full set of supported conversions.The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
nodes.supportedDataPoolColumnTypes non-null array of ColumnType
This is the set of supported Data Pool column types you can use when converting this Data Source column to a Data Pool column. If the Data Source column type is unsupported, this field returns an empty array.
For example, a numeric Data Source column type could be converted to a narrower or wider numeric Data Pool column type; a string-valued Data Source column type could be mapped to a date or timestamp Data Pool column type.
To learn more about the supported conversions, refer to the docs for your particular Data Source.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
pageInfo non-null PageInfo
The column connection's page info.
The page info object used for pagination.
pageInfo.startCursor nullable String
Points to the first item returned in the results. Used when paginating backward.
pageInfo.endCursor nullable String
Points to the last item returned in the results. Used when paginating forward.
pageInfo.hasNextPage non-null Boolean
A boolean that indicates whether a next page of results exists. Can be used to display a "next page" button in user interfaces, for example.
pageInfo.hasPreviousPage non-null Boolean
A boolean that indicates whether a previous page of results exists. Can be used to display a "previous page" button in user interfaces, for example.
The column edge object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
cursor non-null String
The edge's cursor.
node non-null Column
The edge's node.
The column object.
Once a table introspection succeeds, it creates a new table object for every table it introspected. Within each table object, it also creates a column object for every column it introspected.
node.name non-null String
The column's name.
node.type non-null String
The column's type.
node.isNullable nullable Boolean
Whether the column is nullable, meaning whether it accepts a null value.
node.cachedAt non-null DateTime
The time at which the column was cached (i.e., the time at which it was introspected).
node.createdAt non-null DateTime
The time at which the column was created. This is the same as its
time.node.createdBy non-null String
The column's creator. This corresponds to the initiator of the table introspection. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
node.suggestedDataPoolColumnType nullable ColumnType
This is the suggested Data Pool column type to use when converting this Data Source column to a Data Pool column. Propel makes this suggestion based on the Data Source column type. If the Data Source column type is unsupported, this field returns
.Sometimes, you know better which Data Pool column type to convert to. In these cases, you can refer to
for the full set of supported conversions.The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
node.supportedDataPoolColumnTypes non-null array of ColumnType
This is the set of supported Data Pool column types you can use when converting this Data Source column to a Data Pool column. If the Data Source column type is unsupported, this field returns an empty array.
For example, a numeric Data Source column type could be converted to a narrower or wider numeric Data Pool column type; a string-valued Data Source column type could be mapped to a date or timestamp Data Pool column type.
To learn more about the supported conversions, refer to the docs for your particular Data Source.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
Settings for Count Distinct Metrics.
filterSql nullable String
Metric Filters allow defining a Metric with a subset of records from the given Data Pool. If no Metric Filters are present, all records will be included. To filter at query time, add Dimensions and use the
property on thetimeSeriesInput
, orleaderboardInput
objects. There is no need to addfilters
to be able to filter at query time.You can provide the filters in the form of SQL.
dimension non-null Dimension
The Dimension where the count distinct operation is going to be performed.
Settings for Count Metrics.
filterSql nullable String
Metric Filters allow defining a Metric with a subset of records from the given Data Pool. If no Metric Filters are present, all records will be included. To filter at query time, add Dimensions and use the
property on thetimeSeriesInput
, orleaderboardInput
objects. There is no need to addfilters
to be able to filter at query time.You can provide the filters in the form of SQL.
The counter response object. It contains a single Metric value for the given time range and Query Filters.
value nullable String
The value of the counter.
query non-null QueryInfo
The Query statistics and metadata.
The Query Info object. It contains metadata and statistics about a Query performed.
query.id non-null ID
The Query's unique identifier.
query.createdAt non-null DateTime
The date and time in UTC when the Query was created.
query.createdBy non-null String
The unique identifier of the actor that performed the Query.
query.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The date and time in UTC when the Query was last modified.
query.modifiedBy non-null String
The unique identifier of the actor that modified the Query.
query.bytesProcessed non-null String
The bytes processed by the Query.
query.durationInMilliseconds non-null Int
The duration of the Query in milliseconds.
query.recordsProcessed non-null String
The number of records processed by the Query.
query.resultingBytes non-null Int
The bytes returned by the Query.
query.resultingRecords non-null Int
The number of records returned by the Query.
query.propeller nullable Propeller
The Propeller used for this query.
A Propeller determines your Application's query processing power. The larger the Propeller, the faster the queries and the higher the cost. Every Propel Application (and therefore every set of API credentials) has a Propeller that determines the speed and cost of queries.
Learn more about Data Sources.
Max records per second: 5,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 25,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 100,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 250,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 500,000,000 records per second
query.status non-null QueryStatus
The Query status.
The Query status.
The Query was completed succesfully.
The Query experienced an error.
The Query timed out.
query.type non-null QueryType
The Query type.
The Query type.
Indicates a Metric Query.
Indicates a Dimension Stats Query.
Indicates a Report Query.
Indicates a Record Table Query.
Indicates records queried by unique ID.
Indicates a SelectV1 Query.
Indicates a SQL Query.
Indicates a Top Values Query.
query.subtype nullable QuerySubtype
The Query subtype.
The Query subtype.
Indicates a Metric counter Query.
Indicates a Metric time series Query.
Indicates a Metric leaderboard Query.
Settings for Custom Metrics.
filterSql nullable String
Metric Filters allow defining a Metric with a subset of records from the given Data Pool. If no Metric Filters are present, all records will be included. To filter at query time, add Dimensions and use the
property on thetimeSeriesInput
, orleaderboardInput
objects. There is no need to addfilters
to be able to filter at query time.You can provide the filters in the form of SQL.
expression non-null String
The expression that defines the aggregation function for this Metric.
The Data Grid connection.
It includes headers
and rows
for a single page of a Data Grid table. It also allows paging forward and backward to other
pages of the Data Grid table.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
headers non-null array of String
The Data Grid table's headers.
rows non-null array of String
An array of arrays containing the values of the Data Grid table's rows.
query non-null QueryInfo
The Query statistics and metadata.
The Query Info object. It contains metadata and statistics about a Query performed.
query.id non-null ID
The Query's unique identifier.
query.createdAt non-null DateTime
The date and time in UTC when the Query was created.
query.createdBy non-null String
The unique identifier of the actor that performed the Query.
query.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The date and time in UTC when the Query was last modified.
query.modifiedBy non-null String
The unique identifier of the actor that modified the Query.
query.bytesProcessed non-null String
The bytes processed by the Query.
query.durationInMilliseconds non-null Int
The duration of the Query in milliseconds.
query.recordsProcessed non-null String
The number of records processed by the Query.
query.resultingBytes non-null Int
The bytes returned by the Query.
query.resultingRecords non-null Int
The number of records returned by the Query.
query.propeller nullable Propeller
The Propeller used for this query.
A Propeller determines your Application's query processing power. The larger the Propeller, the faster the queries and the higher the cost. Every Propel Application (and therefore every set of API credentials) has a Propeller that determines the speed and cost of queries.
Learn more about Data Sources.
Max records per second: 5,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 25,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 100,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 250,000,000 records per second
Max records per second: 500,000,000 records per second
query.status non-null QueryStatus
The Query status.
The Query status.
The Query was completed succesfully.
The Query experienced an error.
The Query timed out.
query.type non-null QueryType
The Query type.
The Query type.
Indicates a Metric Query.
Indicates a Dimension Stats Query.
Indicates a Report Query.
Indicates a Record Table Query.
Indicates records queried by unique ID.
Indicates a SelectV1 Query.
Indicates a SQL Query.
Indicates a Top Values Query.
query.subtype nullable QuerySubtype
The Query subtype.
The Query subtype.
Indicates a Metric counter Query.
Indicates a Metric time series Query.
Indicates a Metric leaderboard Query.
pageInfo non-null PageInfo
The Data Grid table's page info.
The page info object used for pagination.
pageInfo.startCursor nullable String
Points to the first item returned in the results. Used when paginating backward.
pageInfo.endCursor nullable String
Points to the last item returned in the results. Used when paginating forward.
pageInfo.hasNextPage non-null Boolean
A boolean that indicates whether a next page of results exists. Can be used to display a "next page" button in user interfaces, for example.
pageInfo.hasPreviousPage non-null Boolean
A boolean that indicates whether a previous page of results exists. Can be used to display a "previous page" button in user interfaces, for example.
edges non-null array of DataGridEdge
The Data Grid table's edges.
The Data Grid edge object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
edges.node non-null DataGridNode
The edge's node.
edges.cursor non-null String
The edge's cursor.
nodes non-null array of DataGridNode
The Data Grid table's nodes.
The Data Grid table's node.
This type represents a single row of a Data Grid table.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
The Data Grid edge object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
node non-null DataGridNode
The edge's node.
The Data Grid table's node.
This type represents a single row of a Data Grid table.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
cursor non-null String
The edge's cursor.
The Data Grid table's node.
This type represents a single row of a Data Grid table.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
The Data Pool object. Data Pools are Propel's high-speed data store and cache
id non-null ID
The Data Pool's unique identifier.
uniqueName non-null String
The Data Pool's unique name.
description non-null String
The Data Pool's description.
account non-null Account
The Data Pool's Account.
environment non-null Environment
The Data Pool's Environment.
The Environments object.
Environments are independent and isolated Propel workspaces for development, staging (testing), and production workloads. Environments are hosted in a specific region, initially in us-east-2 only.
environment.id non-null ID
The Environment's unique identifier.
createdAt non-null DateTime
The Data Pool's creation date and time in UTC.
modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The Data Pool's last modification date and time in UTC.
createdBy non-null String
The Data Pool's creator. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
modifiedBy non-null String
The Data Pool's last modifier. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was modified by Propel.
dataSource non-null DataSource
The Data Pool's Data Source.
The Data Source object.
A Data Source is a connection to your data warehouse. It has the necessary connection details for Propel to access Snowflake or any other supported Data Source.
Learn more about Data Sources.
dataSource.id non-null ID
The Data Source's unique identifier.
dataSource.uniqueName non-null String
The Data Source's unique name.
dataSource.description non-null String
The Data Source's description.
dataSource.account non-null Account
The Data Source's Account.
dataSource.environment non-null Environment
The Data Source's Environment.
dataSource.createdAt non-null DateTime
The Data Source's creation date and time in UTC.
dataSource.modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The Data Source's last modification date and time in UTC.
dataSource.createdBy non-null String
The Data Source's creator. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
dataSource.modifiedBy non-null String
The Data Source's last modifier. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was modified by Propel.
dataSource.type non-null DataSourceType
The Data Source's type.
The types of Data Sources.
Indicates a Webhook Data Source.
Indicates an S3 Data Source.
Indicates a Redshift Data Source.
Indicates a Kafka Data Source.
Indicates an Http Data Source.
Indicates a ClickHouse Data Source.
Indicates a Snowflake Data Source.
Indicates an internal Data Source.
dataSource.status non-null DataSourceStatus
The Data Source's status.
The status of a Data Source.
The Data Source has been created, but it is not connected yet.
Propel is attempting to connect the Data Source.
The Data Source is connected.
The Data Source failed to connect.
Propel is deleting the Data Source.
dataSource.connectionSettings non-null ConnectionSettings
The Data Source's connection settings.
- SnowflakeConnectionSettings
- InternalConnectionSettings
- ClickHouseConnectionSettings
- HttpConnectionSettings
- KafkaConnectionSettings
- S3ConnectionSettings
- WebhookConnectionSettings
dataSource.tables nullable TableConnection
The tables contained within the Data Source, according to the most recent table introspection.
dataSource.tableIntrospections nullable TableIntrospectionConnection
A list of table introspections performed for the Data Source. You can see how tables and columns changed over time by paging through this list.
dataSource.checks nullable array of DataSourceCheck
A list of checks performed on the Data Source during its most recent connection attempt.
dataSource.dataPools nullable DataPoolConnection
If you list Data Pools via the
field on a Data Source, you will get Data Pools for the Data Source.The
field uses cursor-based pagination typical of GraphQL APIs. You can use the pairs of parametersfirst
to page forward or backward through the results, respectively.For forward pagination, the
parameter defines the number of results to return, and theafter
parameter defines the cursor to continue from. You should pass the cursor for the last result of the current page toafter
.For backward pagination, the
parameter defines the number of results to return, and thebefore
parameter defines the cursor to continue from. You should pass the cursor for the first result of the current page tobefore
status non-null DataPoolStatus
The Data Pool's status.
The status of a Data Pool.
The Data Pool has been created and will be set up soon.
Propel is attempting to set up the Data Pool.
The Data Pool is set up and serving data. Check its Syncs to monitor data ingestion.
The Data Pool setup failed. Check its Setup Tasks before re-attempting setup.
Propel is deleting the Data Pool and all of its associated data.
dataRetentionInDays non-null Int
The Data Pool's data retention in days (not yet supported).
table non-null String
The name of the Data Pool's table.
timestamp nullable Timestamp
The Data Pool's primary timestamp column, if any.
A Data Pool's primary timestamp column. Propel uses the primary timestamp to order and partition your data in Data Pools. It will serve as the time dimension for your Metrics.
recordCount nullable String
The number of records in the Data Pool.
sizeInTerabytes nullable Float
The amount of storage in terabytes used by the Data Pool.
columns nullable DataPoolColumnConnection
The Data Pool's columns.
The Data Pool column connection object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
columns.edges non-null array of DataPoolColumnEdge
The Data Pool column connection's edges.
columns.nodes non-null array of DataPoolColumn
The Data Pool column connection's nodes.
columns.pageInfo non-null PageInfo
The Data Pool column connection's page info.
availableMeasures nullable DataPoolColumnConnection
The list of measures (numeric columns) in the Data Pool.
The Data Pool column connection object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
availableMeasures.edges non-null array of DataPoolColumnEdge
The Data Pool column connection's edges.
availableMeasures.nodes non-null array of DataPoolColumn
The Data Pool column connection's nodes.
availableMeasures.pageInfo non-null PageInfo
The Data Pool column connection's page info.
setupTasks nullable array of DataPoolSetupTask
A list of setup tasks performed on the Data Pool during its most recent setup attempt.
The Data Pool Setup Task object.
Data Pool Setup Tasks are executed when setting up your Data Pool. They ensure Propel will be able to sync records from your Data Source to your Data Pool.
The exact Setup Tasks to perform vary by Data Source. For example, Data Pools pointing to a Snowflake-backed Data Sources will have their own specific Setup Tasks.
setupTasks.name non-null String
The name of the Data Pool Setup Task to be performed.
setupTasks.description nullable String
A description of the Data Pool Setup Task to be performed.
setupTasks.status non-null DataPoolSetupTaskStatus
The status of the Data Pool Setup Task (all setup tasks begin as NOT_STARTED before transitioning to SUCCEEDED or FAILED).
The status of a Data Pool Setup Task.
The Data Pool Setup Task has not been started yet.
The Data Pool Setup Task has completed successfully.
The Data Pool Setup Task has failed.
setupTasks.error nullable Error
If the Data Pool Setup Task failed, this field includes a descriptive error message.
setupTasks.completedAt nullable DateTime
The time at which the Data Pool Setup Task was completed.
syncing non-null DataPoolSyncing
Settings related to Data Pool syncing.
Settings related to Data Pool syncing.
syncing.status non-null DataPoolSyncStatus
Indicates whether syncing is enabled or disabled.
The Data Pool Sync Status. It indicates whether a Data Pool is syncing data or not.
Syncing is enabled for the Data Pool.
Propel is disabling syncing for the Data Pool.
Syncing is disabled for the Data Pool.
syncing.interval nullable DataPoolSyncInterval
The syncing interval.
Note that the syncing interval is approximate. For example, setting the syncing interval to
does not mean that syncing will occur exactly on the hour. Instead, the syncing interval starts relative to when the Data Pool goesLIVE
, and Propel will attempt to sync approximately every hour. Additionally, if you pause or resume syncing, this too can shift the syncing interval around.The available Data Pool sync intervals. Specify unit of time between attempts to sync data from your data warehouse.
Note that the syncing interval is approximate. For example, setting the syncing interval to
does not mean that syncing will occur exactly on the hour. Instead, the syncing interval starts relative to when the Data Pool goesLIVE
, and Propel will attempt to sync approximately every hour. Additionally, if you pause or resume syncing, this too can shift the syncing interval around.EVERY_1_MINUTE
syncing.lastSyncedAt nullable DateTime
The date and time of the most recent Sync in UTC.
syncs nullable SyncConnection
The list of Syncs of the Data Pool.
metrics nullable MetricConnection
The list of Metrics powered by the Data Pool.
The Metric connection object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
deletionJobs nullable DeletionJobConnection
The Deletion Jobs that were historically issued to this Data Pool, sorted by creation time, in descending order.
The Deletion Job connection object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
deletionJobs.edges non-null array of DeletionJobEdge
The Deletion Job connection's edges.
deletionJobs.nodes non-null array of DeletionJob
The Deletion Job connection's nodes.
deletionJobs.pageInfo non-null PageInfo
The Deletion Job connection's page info.
addColumnToDataPoolJobs nullable AddColumnToDataPoolJobConnection
The Add Column Jobs that were historically issued to this Data Pool, sorted by creation time, in descending order.
The Add column to Data Pool Job connection object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
addColumnToDataPoolJobs.edges non-null array of AddColumnToDataPoolJobEdge
The Add column to Data Pool Job connection's edges.
addColumnToDataPoolJobs.nodes non-null array of AddColumnToDataPoolJob
The Add column to Data Pool Job connection's nodes.
addColumnToDataPoolJobs.pageInfo non-null PageInfo
The Add column to Data Pool Job connection's page info.
updateDataPoolRecordsJobs nullable UpdateDataPoolRecordsJobConnection
The UpdateDataPoolRecords Jobs that were historically issued to this Data Pool, sorted by creation time, in descending order.
The Update Data Pool records Job connection object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
updateDataPoolRecordsJobs.edges non-null array of UpdateDataPoolRecordsJobEdge
The Update Data Pool records Job connection's edges.
updateDataPoolRecordsJobs.nodes non-null array of UpdateDataPoolRecordsJob
The Update Data Pool records Job connection's nodes.
updateDataPoolRecordsJobs.pageInfo non-null PageInfo
The Update Data Pool records Job connection's page info.
accessControlEnabled non-null Boolean
Whether the Data Pool has access control enabled or not.
If the Data Pool has access control enabled, Applications must be assigned Data Pool Access Policies in order to query the Data Pool and its Metrics.
dataPoolAccessPolicies non-null DataPoolAccessPolicyConnection
A paginated list of Data Pool Access Policies available on the Data Pool.
The Data Pool Access Policy connection object.
Learn more about pagination in GraphQL.
dataPoolAccessPolicies.edges non-null array of DataPoolAccessPolicyEdge
The Data Pool Access Policy connection's edges.
dataPoolAccessPolicies.nodes non-null array of DataPoolAccessPolicy
The Data Pool Access Policy connection's nodes.
dataPoolAccessPolicies.pageInfo non-null PageInfo
The Data Pool Access Policy connection's page info.
validateExpression non-null ValidateExpressionResult
Validates a custom expression against the Data Pool's available columns. If the provided expression is invalid, the ValidateExpressionResult response will contain a reason explaining why.
Response returned by the validateExpression query for validating expressions in Custom Metrics.
Returns whether the expression is valid or not with a reason explaining why.
validateExpression.valid non-null Boolean
True if the expression is valid, false otherwise.
validateExpression.reason nullable String
The reason for why the expression is not valid in case it isn't, null otherwise.
tableSettings non-null TableSettings
The Data Pool's table settings.
A Data Pool's table settings.
These describe how the Data Pool's table is created in ClickHouse.
tableSettings.engine nullable TableEngine
The ClickHouse table engine for the Data Pool's table.
- MergeTreeTableEngine
- ReplacingMergeTreeTableEngine
- SummingMergeTreeTableEngine
- AggregatingMergeTreeTableEngine
tableSettings.partitionBy nullable array of String
The PARTITION BY clause for the Data Pool's table.
tableSettings.primaryKey nullable array of String
The PRIMARY KEY clause for the Data Pool's table.
tableSettings.orderBy nullable array of String
The ORDER BY clause for the Data Pool's table.
partitionByColumns nullable array of DataPoolColumn
The Data Pool's columns that participate in its PARTITION BY clause.
partitionByColumns.columnName non-null String
The name of the Data Source column that this Data Pool column derives from.
partitionByColumns.type non-null ColumnType
The Data Pool column's type. This may differ from the corresponding Data Source column's type.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
partitionByColumns.clickHouseType non-null String
The ClickHouse type. This is the exact representation of the type in ClickHouse.
partitionByColumns.isNullable non-null Boolean
Whether the column is nullable, meaning whether it accepts a null value.
primaryKeyColumns nullable array of DataPoolColumn
The Data Pool's columns that participate in its PRIMARY KEY clause.
primaryKeyColumns.columnName non-null String
The name of the Data Source column that this Data Pool column derives from.
primaryKeyColumns.type non-null ColumnType
The Data Pool column's type. This may differ from the corresponding Data Source column's type.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
primaryKeyColumns.clickHouseType non-null String
The ClickHouse type. This is the exact representation of the type in ClickHouse.
primaryKeyColumns.isNullable non-null Boolean
Whether the column is nullable, meaning whether it accepts a null value.
orderByColumns nullable array of DataPoolColumn
The Data Pool's columns that participate in its ORDER BY clause.
orderByColumns.columnName non-null String
The name of the Data Source column that this Data Pool column derives from.
orderByColumns.type non-null ColumnType
The Data Pool column's type. This may differ from the corresponding Data Source column's type.
The Propel data types.
True or false.
A variable-length string.
A 32-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
A 64-bit signed double-precision floating point number.
An 8-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁷ and a maximum value of 2⁷-1.
A 16-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2¹⁵ and a maximum value of 2¹⁵-1.
A 32-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2³¹ and a maximum value of 2³¹-1.
A 64-bit signed integer, with a minimum value of -2⁶³ and a maximum value of 2⁶³-1.
A date without a timestamp. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD".
A date with a timestamp. For example, "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
A ClickHouse-specific type.
orderByColumns.clickHouseType non-null String
The ClickHouse type. This is the exact representation of the type in ClickHouse.
orderByColumns.isNullable non-null Boolean
Whether the column is nullable, meaning whether it accepts a null value.
id non-null ID
The ID of the Data Pool Access Policy.
uniqueName non-null String
The Data Pool Access Policy's unique name.
description non-null String
The Data Pool Access Policy's description.
account non-null Account
The Data Pool Access Policy's Account.
environment non-null Environment
The Data Pool Access Policy's Environment.
The Environments object.
Environments are independent and isolated Propel workspaces for development, staging (testing), and production workloads. Environments are hosted in a specific region, initially in us-east-2 only.
environment.id non-null ID
The Environment's unique identifier.
createdAt non-null DateTime
The Data Pool Access Policy's creation date and time in UTC.
modifiedAt non-null DateTime
The Data Pool Access Policy's last modification date and time in UTC.
createdBy non-null String
The Data Pool Access Policy's creator. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was created by Propel.
modifiedBy non-null String
The Data Pool Access Policy's last modifier. It can be either a User ID, an Application ID, or "system" if it was modified by Propel.
dataPool non-null DataPool
The Data Pool to which the Access Policy belongs.