Announcing our new Terraform Provider

Now you can use Terraform to configure Propel just like other parts of your infrastructure

Terraform Provider

Photo: Propel

We are thrilled to announce the release of our Terraform provider for Propel. This new provider is designed to simplify the process of managing resources on our platform, providing users with an intuitive and streamlined experience for managing their Propel setup and operation through infrastructure as code.

For those unfamiliar with Terraform, it is an open-source tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. It enables users to define their infrastructure as code, allowing them to provision and manage resources in a programmatic manner easily.

With the new Propel Terraform provider, users can now easily manage their Propel resources from their own tooling as they do other parts of their infrastructure. This means they can manage the core set of Propel objects — Data Sources, Data Pools, and Metrics — all from within their Terraform configuration files. All of the functionality you can achieve via the Propel web console is available to set up via Terraform configuration.

Our Terraform provider also integrates seamlessly with existing CI/CD workflows, making it easy to automate the provisioning and management of resources.

How to get started with Terraform and Propel

  1. A Propel account is required in order to get started. You can request access here if you do not have one.
  2. A Propel Application needs to be created with Admin scope. This Application’s client ID and secret will be used for authentication when Terraform runs. See the docs here for more detail on setting up an Application.
  3. You can start Terraforming!

Here’s a sample Terraform configuration file that sets up a Snowflake Data Source and configures a Data Pool and associated Metrics. It would be possible to extend this example to work with both the Propel provider and the Snowflake terraform provider, to automate the configuration of your Snowflake warehouse and Propel.

We have released support for terraforming Data Sources, Data Pools, and Metrics in this release.  Please get in touch or log an issue in our GitHub repo for additional functionality requests and feedback.

To get started with our Terraform provider, visit the GitHub repo.

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