September 2023 Product Updates

Powerful new Custom Metrics | PERCENTILE, FIRST, and LAST aggregate functions | Usage and billing UI | Storybook for UI Components

September Newsletter

Photo: Propel

Welcome! This monthly newsletter includes product updates we’ve worked hard on and interesting reads about building with data. If you enjoy it and want to support it, please forward it to a friend, who can subscribe here, or you can subscribe to our podcast, Data Chaos, on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

TL;DR:  Powerful new Custom Metrics | PERCENTILE, FIRST, and LAST aggregate functions | Usage and billing UI | Storybook for UI Components

Hi there!

This month, we’re not only thrilled to share some powerful new features, but also we are excited to announce our first-ever event. Make sure to tune in and listen to the top voices in DevRel.

Demystifying DevRel

Where: Twitter / X

When: October 5, 8:00 AM

Hosts: @ykdojo, @ShawnBasquiat, and @GrahamTheDev

Speakers: @blackgirlbytes, @dennisivy11, @crtr0, @dev_christina, @LawrenceDCodes, @nsjames_, @aj__chan, @TechTalkingMom, @DeniTechh, @PSkinnerTech


What’s new?

💎 Custom Metrics

Custom Metrics enable you to define Metrics with custom expressions to aggregate and query your data. This provides an incredibly powerful approach to defining Metrics that can capture all sorts of complex business logic. Read the docs.

🥇 LAST and FIRST aggregation functions

We are already shipping new functions for the new Custom Metrics expressions. The FIRST and LAST functions provide the first or last measurement for a given metric. Useful for metrics like temperature in IoT use cases or storage in cloud computing use cases. Read the docs.

% PERCENTILE aggregation functions

Another new function, PERCENTILE, lets you get deeper insight. It is very useful to complement the AVERAGE function and better understand the tail end of the distribution. Read the docs.

⏱️ Usage and billing UI

Easily keep track of your usage and manage your billing in the Console. Log in to the Console and go to the new Billing section.

New Storybook docs for the UI Components

You can now see Propel’s data visualization UI components in Storybook. Check it out and play around with the components in real time.

We had a packed month with platform improvements! Check out our changelog.

The latest posts and episodes

From Propel

From the community

How to get started with Propel?

Easy peasy. Sign up and start building 👩🏽‍💻  🏗️  🚀!

Thank you for reading!

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